No one wants to put potentially harmful pesticides on their pet. But how do we combat those pesky flea and ticks? Are there effective natural remedies? What about an antiparsite disc? This is a small, gold colored lightweight aluminum disc "charged" with electromagnetic and scale waves that it claims to repel fleas and ticks. The literature states that the waves "create a protective field" and is "95% effective" on any cat or dog of any weight.
CatandDog provided me with a free disc to try in exchange for my honest opinion. I tried the disc on Kelly. It is lightweight and attaches to her collar easily. Kelly generally does not get fleas, but we have a large problem with ticks in our area. Kelly wore the disc for 2 weeks.
Did the CatanDog antiparasite disc work?
To be honest, I'm not convinced. Even though I found no ticks on my dog after 2 weeks, to make a more accurate test I would have to try the disc for the entire season, and then if Kelly remains tick-free all season I might be less skeptical. Most importantly, I found no scientific evidence that this type of electromagnetic therapy works. As much as I may want to believe in something so safe and eas
Here is what I can say for sure about the CatanDog antiparasite disc:
*The disc is free from chemicals and safe to handle.
*It is light and unobtrusive and your pet should have no problem wearing it.
*The disc is cost-effective compared to months/years of topical flea and tick treatments.
*Your pet most likely won't get any side effects from it.
*The treatment is not scientifically supported as being effective.