* From the Associated Press, the new Journal on Animal Ethics discourages using the term "pets" and suggests "companion animal," stating that "pets" belittles our relationship with animals. What do you think?
* New television show: EW.com reports on "My Cat from Hell." (What would the Journal on Animal Ethics think of that title?)
* In a public statement to CNET in response to opposition about the Android dog fighting app where players feed, train and fight their virtual dog against other players, Kage Games says that they don't condone violence against animals or humans, and the game is a "satire" and even educational. Instead, check out the PETA iphone app with real ways to help animals.
* Update on Patrick, the miracle pit bull who survived being dumped down trash chute: Patrick continues to improve and weighs in at 40 lbs now. The woman accused of his abuse pleaded not guilty in court. Have Dog Will Travel Blog does a great job at keeping everyone updated about Patrick.
* Smile! Enjoy watching Benny and Lily build their new house on Doggy Days blog!