Angel PAWS is going to get its very own charity kit for digital scrapbooking! WOW!
Many, MANY thanks to Angel of Angel Baby Scraps for coming up with the idea, and many, many, MANY thanks to the designers (both regular designers for ABS as well as others who are joining in) for agreeing to participate.
I am SO excited, ladies, thank you soooo much!
For those who don't know (and if you know me personally or through ScrapbookFlair, you know this is near and dear to my heart), Angel PAWS, located in Colonia, NJ, is a 501(c)3 charity dedicated to relieving suffering of and finding permanent homes for stray, abandoned and homeless animals. There is great need for what Angel PAWS does, taking in these poor creatures who, through no fault of their own, find themselves on the streets just trying to survive.
Because Angel PAWS runs entirely on volunteer help in maintaining a no-kill shelter and entirely on private donations, we have great need for bodies to help out and money, food, litter and the like for the animals. I'm so thrilled that "Second Chance" (the name of the kit) is being created for that purpose. The colors are luscious and the kit will have a shabby feel to it. It won't be a pet-themed kit (though some elements will be pet-related) so it will have a universal appeal. Here's the color palette:
At the moment, there's a designer call, so if you're a digi-scrapbook kit designer, check it out. The kit will be released mid-June.