Harley doesn't want to be all by himself anymore...
Another page (from me this time) for Harley. Harley is an adoptable cat located in Woodbridge, NJ. He's currently being fostered, but doesn't get along with the resident cats in the household and so he's kept segregated and is lonely. All he wants is a human to call his own, and will allow him to be an only cat.
Please contact me for further information or if you're interested in adopting Harley; transportation for a meet and greet is available, if you're not in the immediate area. (and just an FYI, I'm not the person who will make the decision on who adopts Harley, his foster mom will)
The kit I used is DaisyTrail's Moonlight Forest; lyrics by Eric Carmen and Sergei Rachmaninoff, info courtesy of Wikipedia.