Smudge went to her new home last night, after vetting by us at work. Smudge's story gives hope to every animal that's been stuck in a shelter for forever - you see, she came to Angel PAWS as a two-year old in 2004!
The volunteer who took Smudge to her new home said this: "Smudge came to us in 2004. She was brought to us by another rescue person who had been fostering her for another group and needed to find a place for some of them. We took a few cats from her, Smudge was one of them. She was about 2 years old when we got her. She was very timid, but loved pets, and liked other cats. She tried to be a rafter girl, but didn't quite make it :-)"
(a rafter cat is a kitty who's so scared, skittish, or shy that she goes down to the basement at the shelter and takes up residence in the ceiling rafters, never to be touched by humans again - or at least, close to never again. They come down only when humans aren't at the shelter working. Smudge tried hard; she'd hang out in the almost-tippy-top bed in the cat tree that's there, but she'd be just far enough down that we could give her pets and some lovin')
Here's Ms. Smudge in her new home (and new cubbyhole); I'm pleased to say that she seems to be acclimating very nicely already, which is something of a surprise to us all!
The wordart/bead strand translates to "It's a wonderful day" and it certainly WAS a wonderful day for Ms. Smudge!
The kit I used is Elle DeMai's Purple Addiction.