Neater Feeder is an award-winning pet feeding system for dogs and cats, designed to take the mess out of mealtime. It contains spills and splashes, and separates spilled food from spilled water. The water drains into a reservoir to keep floors nice and dry.

The Neater Feeder was easy to assemble. We set it up, added food and water and left the rest up to Kelly. At first, she was hesitant to try it out. The feeder is deep, with high sides. For some dogs, putting their face down into the feeder may be upsetting. I put a treat in the food bowl and left Kelly alone. It didn't take her too long to grab the treat and run. She was more hesitant to eat her food out of the feeder but after several days she got used to it.
*Keeps eating area neat and dry
*Protects floors
*Easy to assemble
*Optional legs (included) can elevate food bowls if desired
*Delivers on just what it promises--contains food and water spills
*Some dogs may not like the closed-in feeling of the feeder

*Attractiveness?? It is a bit large and clunky looking, but depending upon where you put your dog's food bowls, that may not bother you at all.

I would definitely recommend the Neater Feeder to anyone looking for a solution to messy mealtimes and slippery kitchen floors. Find out more on Neater Feeder website, or connect with Neater Feeder on Facebook.
Is messy mealtime a problem in your home? What are your solutions?
*Full disclosure: I received a free Neater Feeder in exchange for my honest opinions in this blog post.