Life on a Leash" is about Stella - she has a new job, a new car, and the perfect apartment. But something's missing - other people. Enter Kong, a giant brown-and-black stray dog who shows up when Stella is changing a flat tire. Suddenly her life is being pulled into the world of dogs and the oddball crowd that lives with four-legged friends. She enjoys the companionship and the community but keeps pulling back as Kong literally drags her out of her shell. (
Jan, at
the Poodle and Dog Blog, will give away the copy she received from the producers, and we'll add the one I received for
the Pet Blog, so now two lucky people can get a free copy of this DVD.
All you have to do is visit : Jan's post,
Win a free dog movie, and in the "Comments", state the name and breed(s) of the dog who had the most influence on your life. That’s it.
Winner will be chosen by random drawing.
Contest closes January 17.