Happy St. Patty's Day--one of my favorite holidays! No, not because of the green beer. I love this day because I have a fair amount of Irish heritage, a couple of redheaded kids, a smattering of Irish freckles, and an Irish dog named Kelly. I also love parades, and there's our city's St. Patty's Day parade featuring plenty of green, local curly-locked Irish step-dancing classes and the marching Ancient Order of Hibernians.
I always enjoy reading some Irish literature to celebrate the holiday--James Joyce, William Trevor, and my favorite; Frank McCourt. "Angela's Ashes" is somehow amusing and compelling in detailing McCourt's heartbreaking Limerick childhood.
Recently, my husband and I watched a couple movies set in Ireland. The 2007 Academy Award winner "Once" is a simple, sweet love story. Filmed on a tight budget I think the result is a very real story with some beautiful ballads. The other movie, "My Left Foot" was interesting, yet I found it a bit difficult. The movie is based on the autobiography of a Dublin man with cerebral palsy who typed his life story entirely with his left foot.
More movies set in Ireland are "The Quiet Man" starring John Wayne, "The Secret of Roan Inish," and the rather graphic "The Crying Game" about the IRA and the Troubles, with that, uh, shocking plot twist.
So, Happy St. Patty's Day to you, celebrate in whatever way makes you happy. And I hope you're wearing the green!