Every Wednesday is Peggy and Kelly Diet Tip Day. And please, share any of your own too, for dog and owner! Today's tip is about making the right choices. I recently saw a TV ad for Dunkin Donuts new multigrain bagel with low-fat cream cheese. Since Mike and I have been making an effort to eat only whole grains, I thought this would be a great idea. There's a Dunkin Donuts on our way home from church, so I thought, what a great place to stop for an inexpensive healthy lunch. But I just learned that this option contains 500 calories and 15 grams of fat! Not exactly a diet snack. I would do better to have a glazed donut, at 180 calories and 8 grams of fat. Of course, a glazed donut doesn't contain much nutrition, so as tempting as that sounds, it's not a good idea. I guess it's best to just stay out of donut shops. Just that sugary aroma is enough to add ten pounds.....
I learned this bagel fact from the most amazing book,
"Eat This, Not That!" b

y David Zinczenko. It tells you the healthiest food options at fast food and other restaurants, on the grocery shelves, and even in vending machines and at the movie theater. The coolest thing about the book are photographs of each item and a handy organization. Beware of loaded cheese fries with 2,900 calories and 182 grams of fat!
How about you--got some diet tips to share? I'd love to hear from you!