I'd like you to meet my dog. Kelly is my accomplice, helper, distraction, exercise partner, inspiration, consoler, friend, companion, and occasionally a frustrating nuisance. She and I work from home together. She's wonderful company. If it wasn't for her, I might never get up off my desk chair, except to forage in the fridge. Her demands to be walked, fed and patted often interrupt my most productive moments. But still, nothing like a dog for a co-worker!
Looking at her picture, you might wonder about her breed. So do I. Five years ago we rescued her from a shelter. Her heritage is shady. Our best guess is long-haired dachshund and cocker spaniel mix. I wonder what kind of designer name we could come up with for that?! She has long reddish-brown hair that flows down around her like a gown. The hair above her nose sticks out in funny cowlicks, kind of like a misplaced mustache. She's only twice been professionally groomed; the rest of the time I do my best with a loudly buzzing shaver. She doesn't enjoy the experience.
I'll be writing about working from home, family, friends, faith...and of course Kelly. I hope you enjoy our blog. And please feel free to post a comment!