Goldfish Joke
"My goldfish died," replied Nancy tearfully, without looking up, "and I've just buried him."
The neighbor was concerned, "That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?"
Nancy patted down the last heap of earth and then replied, "That's because he's inside your stupid cat."
How to Find a Veterinarian
- Does the vet make house calls if you have a skittish animal or can’t get into the office?
- If you’re in a rural area and have larger animals or birds, will the vet be able to take care of them too?
- If money is an issue, will the vet work with you by allowing you to make payments on your outstanding bill?
- Something else that is important, does the vet talk to you and explain things, or does he talk at you and expect you to follow his orders? You want a veterinarian who will work with you, not against you when dealing with your pet’s health issues. After all, your pet is still a member of the family and your veterinarian is just as important as any other doctor that a family member may see.
You learn something new every day
That's not the name of a person, it's the carcass of a ray or a skate which has been modified and subsequently dried, resulting in a grotesque preserved specimen. [wiki]
One suggestion for the origin of the term was "jeune d'Anvers" (French for Antwerp is Anvers), that is "young girl of Antwerp." British sailors "cockneyed" this description into the personal name "Jenny Hanvers."
For centuries, sailors sat on the Antwerp docks and carved these "mermaids" out of dried cuttlefish. They then preserved them further with a coat of varnish. They supported themselves by selling their artistic creations to working sailors as well as to tourists visiting the docks.
Jenny Hanivers have been created to look like devils, angels and dragons.
It is possible that Jenny Hanivers were the source of some tales of dragons during the Middle Ages, and they affirmed people's belief in dragons. Jenny Hanivers may also have started the legends of Mermaids.
(via Cynical-C)
At Susology, the story of an artist currently creating Jenny Hanivers.
Photo credit: Awkward Conversations post on "Rogue Taxidermy: The Jenny Haniver".
Any dog can bite but most don't
That message, delivered Thursday at a forum in Denver, was gleaned from data taken in Colorado over a year-long period.
The Coalition for Living Safely With Dogs, made up of Colorado veterinarians, animal-control officers, animal-care professionals and others presented the data at the group's second annual forum.
"The data shows that any dog can bite but most don't," said Nick Fisher, a coalition member.
The dog-bite surveys were taken from July 2007 to July 2008 and covered 17 "districts" in Colorado.
The coalition study tallied 2,060 bites. That's about 1 bite for every 350 dogs, less than one-third of one percent.
Of the 2,060 bites, Labrador retrievers made up the biggest percentage on the bite list.
Labs accounted for 13.3 percent of the reported bites; pit bulls, 8.4 percent; German shepherds, 7.8 percent; Rottweilers, 3.9 percent; and Chows, 3.5 percent.
Funky fish found - the frogfish
Each time the fish strike the seabed, they push off with their fins and expel water from tiny gill openings to jet themselves forward. That, and an off-centered tail, causes them to bounce around in a bizarre, chaotic manner.
Photo credit: David Hall
Marilyn and her dogs
Photo: Associated Press
Image: Earl Leaf
Image: Earl Leaf
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Here's another photo of Hugo with MM and Miller.
When Marilyn and Arthur split up, Arthur retained possession of Hugo.
Marilyn named the dog “Maf” because of Frank Sinatra’s alleged mafia connections. lnterestingly, to spite Arthur Miller, Marilyn used to let Maf sleep on an expensive white coat that Miller had presented her.
When Marilyn returned to live in Hollywood, she had Maf flown back to be with her.
Following her death, Maf was inherited by Frank Sinatra’s secretary, Gloria Lovell.
(via u2r2h blog)
Doggie Daycare

How to Decide if You Really Want a Dog
Oklahoma State's Vet School and Mrs. T. Boone Pickens
I remember struggling with this same dilemma when I was a vet student. I had so many mixed feelings about working with dogs I knew wouldn't wake up from surgery lab and yet I knew that their sacrifice would save many others. My classmates and I spent extra time with these animals, giving them love and affection, trying to come to terms with our feelings. It was very difficult for me, perhaps even traumatic.
Is it possible to learn on a cadaver dog or cat the skills that are needed? To a limited degree, yes. I actually had some first hand experience with the comparison. When I was in private practice in another state, we hired a new graduate from a vet school that only used cadaver dogs to learn surgical procedures. After several months, we noticed that "spayed" females were coming back to the clinic with all the signs of being in heat. Owners were angry, thinking they had paid for a surgery that never happened. We discovered that the new doctor had only removed part of the tissues and left in the parts that bring the animal into heat. Because she had been trained on cadavers, she had no experience with the anatomy of a live animal under anesthesia. This meant that we had to do a second major surgery in every animal she had spayed (including some that had yet to return) to correct the problem, and it was much more difficult than the original surgery would have been. I felt sorry for her, sorry for the pets and sorry for myself trying to find ovaries that were partially removed.
That said, I will never forget the dogs that I learned from in vet school. Their images will always be a part of me. As a student, standing in the kennel that day, I looked them in the eyes through my own tear-filled ones and apologized to them for what would happen. I had no other answer, no power, no way out at the time. I promised those dogs that I would do all I could to help other animals with what they taught me. Was that the right thing to do? I honestly don't know. I only know that I did everything I could to keep that promise...for them....and for me.
On the subject of penguins
This amazing photo was taken on South Georgia Island. The photographer says, "This is not the largest colony of king penguins on South Georgia but there were over a hundred thousand breeding pairs in this location. The brown spots are not open spaces but chicks that have not fledged."
Take a look at it in the largest size: 3200 x 2135. Better yet, set it as your desktop wallpaper.
As cute as a sock monkey?
Please note that no penguins were harmed in the creation of this project, however, some socks were severely damaged in the prototyping stage. Please do not use socks that still contain feet.
Note that hot glue guns can burn you. They're called "hot" for a reason. Do not let 6 year olds operate hot glue guns. Adult supervision is required. Also, do not let 6 year olds operate heavy machinery. It's just a bad plan.
(via Penguins!)
Bored? Go wake up your cat
Quite a few people have responded and sent Chris their photos. Here's a couple:
Ok, I have to admit - I too, have been know to interfere with my cats' napping pleasure.
I took this picture of Grace when I caught her napping in Ava's chair which Grace thinks should now be called Grace's chair.
The next photo is of Bandit. I have an extensive collection of shots of him sleeping. He's always sleeping, except when he runs through the house doing his "here comes a herd of elephants" sound effects.
Next, Smoke. He had the fluffiest, fuzziest belly, and the sweetest personality until he scratched the hell out of my daughter-in-law's arm one day. He left us one day on a neighborhood safari and never came back.
Here's a bonus shot: waking up two cats at once! Buddy always loved to sleep on top of Coco. They're both gone from us now, but fondly remembered.
Beware of Cocoa Mulch

This one has been floating around the internet and email forwards for a few years, but seems to be some truth to the warning. According to an article on Snopes,
this common outdoor garden mulch, sold at a variety of stores, does contain ingredients that are potentially harmful to your pets. The substance smells like chocolate and contains a chemical that can be lethal.
Take extra care when gardening and to be on the safe side, avoid using this mulch.
Reality TV
The show isn't perfect. You have to get past the agonizingly slow pace, frustrating constant recaps and in-your-face product placement. But I've got to admit, the show inspires me. This season is the heaviest season ever, with many contestants starting at more than 300 lbs, and some close to 400. Yet, by the end of the season most of them will not only be half their size, but also fit and toned. They'll have learned healthy nutritious eating habits, not binge dieting. I've got to imagine that these skills help them to keep the weight off for life. I hope so.
I've never had to deal with that significant amount of weight to lose, but all dieters know that our own 20, 30, 40 or whatever pounds is a struggle. On the show, contestants train for 6-10 hours a day. Watching them spin 'til every inch of them is covered in sweat and lift weights until they cry (and they do) inspires me to get on my elliptical and work out for at least a measly 30 minutes. If they can do it, then so can I!
So I'll try not to be embarrassed that I enjoy watching The Biggest Loser. If it inspires me to lose weight and eat healthier, then win-win.
Paws for Reflection: This is so appropriate when it comes to exercising! "Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration." --Thomas Edison
Good to know: Some people still have money
A German Silver-Gilt Cup Formed as a Hunting Bear
Maker's mark of Leonhard Umbach
Augsburg, 1585-1590
Height: 6 7/8 in.; Weight: 13.70 oz.
Estimate: €80,000 to €120,000 (approx. $103,000 - $155,000)
Boston Terrier or 'Toy'
Model created in 1930, cast circa 1965-1970
Black patinated bronze
Portrays Madame Georges Menier's dog, 'Toy'
11 3/4 in. x 13 1/4 in. x 5 7/8 in.
Estimate: €15,000 to €20,000 (approx. $19,000 - $26,000)
How to Find A Great Pet Boarding Facility

- Does the facility smell badly? Remember, it’s filled with animals, so keep the smell thing relative.
- Do the animals appear clean, happy and alert? You can tell what an unhappy dog looks like.
- Do you notice any bugs? If you see bugs, ticks or fleas on the floor or worse, on the animals, make a run for the door and don’t look back.
- What types of cleaners are used? Try to stay with facilities that use all-natural cleaners, but understand that with a lot of animals in their care, it may not always be possible to do that.
- What kind of experience does your resort have? It should be extensive.
- Are they hiring minimum wage workers to care for your pet or are they paying their workers well? A well-paid employee is a happy employee.
- How involved are the owners? They should be an active part of the business.
How to Find a Reputable Breeder
- Are both of the parents on the premises and can you see them?
- How old does your pet have to be to take home?
- If you pick out a pet when they are too young to be taken home, can you come back for visits?
- If you are buying a show quality pet, who will show them?
- If you are buying a pet quality pet, do they need to be spayed or neutered and when?
- If something arises in the future and you can’t keep the pet, will the breeder take them back?
- Does your new pet come with a health guarantee?
- Have the parents been certified healthy for issues the breed might have?
- Have the puppies already had some of their shots?
- What kind of food do they feed and how often?
- I’m happy to say that I found several reputable breeders, and even found one that was close to where they lived, so they could go and pick out their own puppy. Not only that, the puppy I found is a happy and healthy dog today, with a warm and loving family.
Brave, loving, or stupid?
Read the story in the Daily Mail about British park ranger Alex Larenty who regularly treats eight year old lion Jamu to a foot massage and a hug.
(The shots were taken at The Lion Park, near Johannesburg, South Africa, just weeks before a man who broke into the reserve was mauled and killed.)
Pets and Foreclosure
3 Cat Symptoms Never to Ignore
1. Red Eye . A "red eye" is a non-specific sign of inflammation or infection. It may be seen with several different diseases including those involving different parts of the eye including the external eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera. It may also occur with inflammation of the structures inside the eye, with glaucoma (high pressure within the eye) or with certain diseases of the orbit (eye socket). Either one or both eyes can become red, depending upon the cause of the problem. Some of the possible causes can be serious and ultimately cause blindness.
2. Coughing . Coughing is a relatively uncommon problem in cats. Coughing is a common protective reflex that clears secretions or foreign matter from the throat, voice box, and/or airways, and protects the lungs against aspiration. It affects the respiratory system by hindering the ability to breathe properly. Common causes include obstruction in the windpipe, bronchitis, pneumonia, heartworm disease, lung tumors, and heart failure. Some of the causes are life threatening and all cats with a cough should be evaluated by a veterinarian
3. Bloody Diarrhea . Blood in the feces can either appear as "melena" which makes the stools appear black and tarry is the presence suggests digested blood in the feces. Melena is different from fresh blood in the stool (hematochezia). Bleeding into the colon or rectum appears as fresh blood in the stool. Bloody diarrhea should be evaluated by your veterinarian as soon as possible.
The quest to ave Right whales
Each birth is seen as a miracle of sorts -- a potential key to the survival of a species that has been through many tough years.
Right whales were named by their hunters who once said they were the "right whale" to kill. When they were harpooned, the chubby whales floated to the surface of the water. That made them both profitable and easy to hunt.
Every morning during calving season, volunteers armed with binoculars and whale-related handouts troll up and down the Florida coast -- climbing to balconies and zipping up elevators to the top floors of high-rise condos and retirement communities -- to look for whales.
Stubborn Pounds
In my new book, I'm writing a lot about dieting. The subject that never goes away.
This past year I lost a lot of weight, but those last few pounds are still hanging on.
And I know why.
I haven't yet fully committed to my lifestyle changes. I know that the changes I've made over the last year work. But part of me misses the old me. I can't quite let go of those desires to veg on the couch or succumb to the temptation of gooey pizza.
One day I'm eating healthy and sweating on the elliptical. The next day lo and behold! I've lost weight. Yay! Then, I slip back into a few of my old habits. Not too many. But enough to make a negative impact. I know what I'm doing wrong. I choose a reasonable snack, like crunchy whole grain dry cereal. But I munch it directly out of the box, gobbling unmeasured handfuls until I've consumed an unhealthy amount of even a healthy product. Then, before I know it, a weight gain. I feel guilty, so I get back to business the next few days. Inevitably, however, I slip and I've eaten a massive burrito from Moe's with cheese and sour cream, just because we had a Buy-One-Get-One-Free coupon.
So here I am again. My new size 8 pants feel snug. I'm muffin-topping over the waistband. I feel sluggish and heavy. But still, I'm armed with tools that have worked for me in the past. I just have to put them back into action. Okay I can do it!
Unbelievably cute
Only 28-days old, brother and sister Zanzibar and Nairobi are already a huge hit with visitors to Taronga Zoo, in Sydney.
They are the latest additions to the site's meerkat manor - and are the first pups to be born there for nine years.
Pet Sitting: What You Need to Know

- Ensure that your pets' food is well-stocked.
- Leave a detailed schedule of what is expected. (Free PDF file from PetsWeekly)
- Sign a Veterinary Care Release form and leave with sitter.
- Leave a contact list in the event of emergency.
Cute or not? Gentoo penguin chick
Need a laugh?
Get Your Chuckle Buddies for $19.95 each
(via Nerd Approved)
Photography by Gary Parker
Begin with this: picture what an exuberant 8 year old boy might do with a camera if he had 25 years of experience winning awards in advertising and photojournalism, could light anything and could read the minds of dogs and go figure, EVEN CATS!
Gary is so busy taking photographs, he actually needs 2 websites to show them
all off.
But Gary Parker Photography, which seems to be his main site, is also crammed full of pet photography, like this:
Gary Parker Photography also showcases Gary's pro bono work with Little People of America (LPA). His photos encompass the #1 dwarfism photography website in the world, a site which has positively impacted the lives of many Little People families worldwide, as well as many of average stature who have found the portraits a source of inspiration, education and delight.
Look: Please note:
All photographs are the exclusive property of Parker Photographic productions, Inc. – and are protected by US international copyright laws. These photos may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated, projected or used in any way without the expressed permission of Gary Parker. If you wish to use any of these photographs please contact