This is Jackie, my boss's dog and the only dog that's allowed into her cat-only veterinary practice! After a long day of being stalked, swatted, hissed at, and otherwise harassed by Tinkerbelle, Jackie decided to sack out on the reception-area floor. I wonder if she's dreaming of revenge??
Oh, and the kit? Very sweet! It's called April Showers (okay, so I didn't use any of the "shower-y" parts of the kit, but it'd been pouring rain all day and Jackie DID have to endure going out in it, so there's a weak connection there, LOL!) and the designer is Scrap Happens To Me. I like her stuff!
I did this page for a design challenge over at ScrapbookFlair that happens to have been put together by another of the designers at Angel Baby Scraps, Kelly-Jo's Scraps. Like her stuff, too - heck, I like everyone's stuff at Angel Baby Scraps, LOL!