The instructions are to introduce yourself as if you are meeting friends at a party. So here goes:
My name is Peggy Frezon and I'm an author and freelance writer. This furry friend by my side is Kelly, my cocker spaniel-long haired dachshund rescue pooch, and my office-mate.
My first book, Dieting with my Dog, is being released this October. Yup, Kelly and I had packed on a few too many pounds, and this book shares our journey in getting fit and healthy together.

I also am a regular contributor to Guideposts and Angels on Earth magazines, pet columnist at Pawsitively Pets, and staff writer at Be the Change for Animals, a great site where you can find easy ways to help animals in need. You can also find my stories in books such as The Ultimate Dog Lovers, Animals and Miracles, Animals and the Kids who Love Them, and in more than a dozen Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
Let's connect here on this blog, at my website, or on Twitter.
Okay, I'm going to go meet you at your site now!