* Today, I'm celebrating some extremes in the pet world. Here is Einstein, the world's smallest pony less than 20 inches tall!
Photo (c) Barcroft Media via The Mail Online.
* And this, from Life with Dogs, the 128 lbs overweight dog, a sadly obese collie-mix.
photo (c) rossparry.co.uk/Glenn Minikin
* And finally, a lovesick goose. This Assignment America video is at first kind of odd, but then I'm struck by how sweet it is. I especially am touched by the part at the end, where Maria tries to fly off chasing her best friend as he drives off on his scooter.
* I was unable to connect with the first place winner of the DNA Kit, so the kit now goes to the second place winner: Vicky! Please send me your mailing information. Congratulations!
*Don't forget to Blog the Change Friday!