Princess Margherita of Savoy-Genoa, aged 15 years, 1866; future Queen of Italy. (
State Library and Archives of Florida (

Very unusual to find an OLD photo with a cat, isn't it?
photographer: Békei Ödön - Budapest / Hungary 1896 -1908 - photo found at Flickr, from
ggaabboo's collection.

Empress Elisabeth of Austria (Sisi) in hat and velvet coat trimmed with ermine. At her side her favorite dog, 'Shadow'. The photo was taken by Emil Rabending, ca. 1865. Postcard published by Postkartenverlag Donauland, Vienna, Austria, around 1900.

From the top down: Luke the dog, Buster Keaton, Al St John, & Roscoe Arbuckle.

found at flickr, from
Antique Dog Photos (c. 1943)