My friend, Pauline, created two more pages in anticipation of the Harley's Angels Challenge that's starting today! They're fabulous - she's one talented lady! The first page has no added effects, while the second one has a light ink effect applied to the page.
Pauline used these kits to create the pages: Falling Leaves Autumn Party by Lorie Davison at and Wildwood Village by Joelle at Gorgeous!
Ivy, Lily and Basil
I've begun working with Hope For Animals with some fundraising, and this is the first page I've done that showcases some of their kitties that are available for adoption.
How cute are these guys?? They are just adorable! I don't think they'll last long!
Go take a look at the rest of Hope For Animals' adoptable kitties - they have some wonderful cats!
I used the Second Chance kit, a charity collab available from Angel Baby Scraps Store that benefits Angel PAWS. Heh, it works well even for another charity, LOL!
Hope For Animals,
Why Do Dogs and Cats Chase Their Tails?
By Linda Cole
I don't know many pet owners who haven't watched their dog or cat chase their tail, especially if they adopted the pet as a puppy or kitten. However, tail chasing isn't a normal activity for adult dogs or cats and if they chase their tail all the time, there could be a medical or behavioral reason for it.
Young dogs and cats enjoy trying to catch their tails. Kittens are fun to watch when they get in a tail chasing mood. When my cat Pogo was a kitten, he would stare intently as his tail flicked back and forth. He lowered his head with each flick and readied himself for an ambush. At the right moment, he would pounce on his tail, twisting, turning, doing somersaults and hopping up and down (the reason for his name) until he tired of the game. Of course we laughed watching his antics.
Some older pets chase their tail to get our attention. Dogs and cats are both capable of learning things on their own and sometimes realize they can get us to pay attention to them if they chase their tail. When they get a positive reaction from us – we laugh and pay attention to them – it makes them more likely to continue doing it to please their human.
Boredom is another reason for tail chasing. If pets don't have toys to play with or chew on, they can get just as bored as we do, and boredom can turn to anxiety. Some dogs may chew on your favorite chair and some might chase their tail. If you know your dog is bored, please give him some exercise to help him release his built up anxiety before it becomes worse. Invest in some interactive toys so he has something constructive to do with his time besides redecorating the living room with chewed up pieces of the couch.
Medical reasons for tail chasing could be due to a skin or food allergy, impacted anal glands or worms. Fleas like to congregate along the lower back of pets, just above the base of the tail, on the butt, legs, around the neck and all along the tail. If a pet has a flea allergy, just one flea biting can send him into a frenzy. Even without a flea allergy, biting fleas can make a pet go bonkers. If your pet doesn't usually chase his tail and appears to be in distress, it's a good idea to check him out to make sure he isn't fighting with fleas. Also make sure there are no injuries to the tail or developing skin irritations that could be causing him to chase his tail.
Skin or food allergies can be as frustrating for a pet as flea bites. Diet plays a big role in a pet’s good health, and feeding them premium quality pet food like CANIDAE and FELIDAE helps their immune system work properly. “Why a Quality Pet Food Matters” is what CANIDAE is all about.
Neurological problems can also cause dogs and cats to chase their tails. Cats can develop a syndrome called feline hyperesthesia syndrome (rolling skin syndrome) or feline psychogenic alopecia, and the two can overlap. It basically means the cat has developed a severe sensitivity to being touched along their spine, their back and at the base of their tail. Chasing their tail is one of the symptoms. You can read more about these two syndromes at
Cats have their own particular moods and styles. Most of my cats are just too dignified to do anything so silly as chase their tail. But I have a few that sit and stare at their tail twitching back on forth and can stand it only so long before they have to attack it. Because cats are so tuned into movement, the reason why some cats chase their tail is because of their predator instincts. If a cat is playing and gets excited, a moving tail cannot be ignored. Of course she knows it's her tail. How many times have you watched your cat chasing her tail and then once she catches it, she calms down and grooms it and gives you a look that says, “Yeah, I know it's my tail. I chased it on purpose you silly human!”
A sporadic tail chaser is probably just having some fun, but if it becomes a constant behavior, you need to check to make sure there isn't a developing problem that's causing them to chase their tail. It's not typical for adult dogs and cats to chase their tails unless it's occasional during play or because they want attention. Medical or neurological problems are much easier to deal with when diagnosed early. The “Hey, look what I just caught” moment of tail chasing is cute, but only if your pet is healthy and happy.
Photo by Tim Mowrer
Read more articles by Linda Cole
I don't know many pet owners who haven't watched their dog or cat chase their tail, especially if they adopted the pet as a puppy or kitten. However, tail chasing isn't a normal activity for adult dogs or cats and if they chase their tail all the time, there could be a medical or behavioral reason for it.
Young dogs and cats enjoy trying to catch their tails. Kittens are fun to watch when they get in a tail chasing mood. When my cat Pogo was a kitten, he would stare intently as his tail flicked back and forth. He lowered his head with each flick and readied himself for an ambush. At the right moment, he would pounce on his tail, twisting, turning, doing somersaults and hopping up and down (the reason for his name) until he tired of the game. Of course we laughed watching his antics.
Some older pets chase their tail to get our attention. Dogs and cats are both capable of learning things on their own and sometimes realize they can get us to pay attention to them if they chase their tail. When they get a positive reaction from us – we laugh and pay attention to them – it makes them more likely to continue doing it to please their human.
Boredom is another reason for tail chasing. If pets don't have toys to play with or chew on, they can get just as bored as we do, and boredom can turn to anxiety. Some dogs may chew on your favorite chair and some might chase their tail. If you know your dog is bored, please give him some exercise to help him release his built up anxiety before it becomes worse. Invest in some interactive toys so he has something constructive to do with his time besides redecorating the living room with chewed up pieces of the couch.
Medical reasons for tail chasing could be due to a skin or food allergy, impacted anal glands or worms. Fleas like to congregate along the lower back of pets, just above the base of the tail, on the butt, legs, around the neck and all along the tail. If a pet has a flea allergy, just one flea biting can send him into a frenzy. Even without a flea allergy, biting fleas can make a pet go bonkers. If your pet doesn't usually chase his tail and appears to be in distress, it's a good idea to check him out to make sure he isn't fighting with fleas. Also make sure there are no injuries to the tail or developing skin irritations that could be causing him to chase his tail.
Skin or food allergies can be as frustrating for a pet as flea bites. Diet plays a big role in a pet’s good health, and feeding them premium quality pet food like CANIDAE and FELIDAE helps their immune system work properly. “Why a Quality Pet Food Matters” is what CANIDAE is all about.
Neurological problems can also cause dogs and cats to chase their tails. Cats can develop a syndrome called feline hyperesthesia syndrome (rolling skin syndrome) or feline psychogenic alopecia, and the two can overlap. It basically means the cat has developed a severe sensitivity to being touched along their spine, their back and at the base of their tail. Chasing their tail is one of the symptoms. You can read more about these two syndromes at
Cats have their own particular moods and styles. Most of my cats are just too dignified to do anything so silly as chase their tail. But I have a few that sit and stare at their tail twitching back on forth and can stand it only so long before they have to attack it. Because cats are so tuned into movement, the reason why some cats chase their tail is because of their predator instincts. If a cat is playing and gets excited, a moving tail cannot be ignored. Of course she knows it's her tail. How many times have you watched your cat chasing her tail and then once she catches it, she calms down and grooms it and gives you a look that says, “Yeah, I know it's my tail. I chased it on purpose you silly human!”
A sporadic tail chaser is probably just having some fun, but if it becomes a constant behavior, you need to check to make sure there isn't a developing problem that's causing them to chase their tail. It's not typical for adult dogs and cats to chase their tails unless it's occasional during play or because they want attention. Medical or neurological problems are much easier to deal with when diagnosed early. The “Hey, look what I just caught” moment of tail chasing is cute, but only if your pet is healthy and happy.
Photo by Tim Mowrer
Read more articles by Linda Cole
flea allergies,
Linda Cole
My first layout using Second Chance, a charity collab done for Angel PAWS
Finally snagged the new kit and got a chance to work with it, so here's my first layout using it!
Keyona is available for adoption at Angel PAWS in Colonia, NJ. Her story is sad - she came to the shelter when her human passed away, was adopted out a few months later, but was then returned to the shelter a few short months later when her new human also passed away. She's a little shy, but all she wants is to be loved, petted, and brushed (she's a longhair - in this photo, she'd been shaved down to get rid of all the awful mats she came back to us with).
I love this kit! It's so versatile - not animal-only at all! Many thanks again to the designers and Angel Baby Scraps Store (where it's available for just $3!). You need to go get your copy!
I plan on adapting this layout for "Frame Your Pet", an ongoing fundraiser I have for Angel PAWS and Hope For Animals, two very fine rescue groups here in NJ. So if you like the page, but don't do digital scrapbooking, feel free to contact me about having Scraps By Oreo's Meow create a page for you using the kit. Proceeds benefit the rescue groups.
Angel PAWS,
Hope For Animals,
Boxes of Cinnamon

Since I don't have a cat, and Kelly isn't much interested in boxes (unless they have food inside) I was just going to sit back and enjoy the other posts.
But then, my daughter shared these photos of her kitty Cinnamon, and I knew that I had to join the fun. So, here is Cinnamon!
In the first photo she is enjoying a recently emptied box-den.
In the second photo, she has knocked over a box to create the perfect little Cinnamon-sized comfy spot.

Happy International Box Day!
Check out more cats in boxes on Cat Blogosphere.
Brians Home,
cat blogosphere,
cats in boxes,
International Box Day
It's here, it's here!!!!
The charity kit for Angel PAWS, called "Second Chance" is finally in-store at Angel Baby Scraps! YAY! And it's gorgeous, and it's huge, and I adore it!!
There are 48 papers, 165 elements, and 4 page layout templates in this kit, and it's in the most delicious colors (which *I* got to choose, LOL!).
Proceeds will go to Angel PAWS, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit that's dedicated to relieving the suffering of, and finding permanent homes, for stray, abandoned, and homeless animals. I'm proud to volunteer for this organization, and proud that the vet office where I work offers its services to Angel PAWS at a reduced rate, and proud to help these animals.
So...go buy the kit! It's only 3 bucks!! A veritable bargain, LOL! You'll love it, I promise! It looks very animal-related from the previews, but it really spans everyone's scrapping style nicely and can be used for any scrap you have in mind.
Here are the rest of the previews:
Many, many thanks to Angel at Angel Baby Scraps for the idea, and most especially to the designers who've come together to create this wonderful digital scrapbooking kit. Ladies, it's awesome, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! (as do the kitties, though they don't exactly "get it", LOL! They prefer traditional paper scrapping to digital, so they can sink their teeth and claws into supplies!)
- Angel of Angel Baby Scraps
- Courtney of Courtney's Digiscrappin'
- Kelly-Jo of Kelly-Jo's Scraps (and Kelly-Jo has a freebie layout on her blog!)
- Jerusha of Scrap Happen to Me
- Luisa of Kitty's Scrap Post
- Lins of Lins Creations
Angel PAWS,
Harley Is Looking For A Home...
This page is another created in advance of the Harley's Angels challenge at ScrapbookFlair. It was created by my friend, Neeltje, who's in Netherlands!
We're getting the word spread far and wide about Harley and all it takes is someone who knows someone who knows someone....... So please grab these pages I'm posting for Harley and share them on Facebook, put them on your blog, wherever you hang out online! I want Harley to go viral, LOL!
Neeltje, thank you SO much for creating this page for Harley - it's beautiful!!
Angel PAWS,
What Does a Pet Rehabilitation Center Do?
By Julia Williams
When age or injury makes it more difficult for your dog or cat to get around, many pet owners assume that nothing much can be done. However, thanks to new treatment options and modern technology, our pets don't have to hobble about in pain anymore. Pet rehabilitation centers are springing up all around the nation, and they’re helping pets regain mobility and get relief from the pain. Rehab can be a great help for humans, so why not for our pets too? Whether the aches and pains are from tendonitis or arthritis, a pinched nerve or surgery, a pet rehabilitation center can help to get your pet back on his paws.
Pet rehabilitation involves using a variety of treatments and technology to help restore normal function to their joints and muscles. Rehab can improve a pet’s flexibility and mobility, enhance limb use and mitigate pain. The pet rehab facility takes a holistic approach to health and considers all factors, including medical history, current issues, body condition, lifestyle, nutrition, supplements and medication. Pets typically visit a rehabilitation center about twice a week, and owners are also taught how to do core exercises with their pet at home.
Pet rehabilitation centers combine the education and expertise of a veterinarian with a doctor of physical therapy. This produces optimum results because vets understand the nature of pet injuries and diseases while physical therapists understand the science of rehabilitation – e.g., how a body moves, joint and soft tissue mechanics and the impact of exercise. Add cutting edge technology to the mix, and it’s easy to see how beneficial this could be for aging or injured pets.
Does Your Pet Need Rehabilitation?
Your pet may benefit from rehabilitation if it has one or more of the following:
● Arthritis or dysplasia
● Tendonitis or bursitis
● Ligament tears or sprains
● Muscle strains, spasms or weakness
● Spine disorders: disc problems, neck or back pain
● Appetite or behavior changes that suggest discomfort
● Limping, gait abnormality or change in movement quality
● Post-operative orthopedic or neurological surgeries
● Reluctance to go for walks or engage in play
● Difficulty jumping up on the bed or sofa
● Changes in posture during daily activities
● Performance problems in canine athletics
● Obesity or a need for an overall wellness plan
Treatments Available at Pet Rehabilitation Centers
The techniques and treatments available will vary depend on the individual rehab center and the condition being treated. Manual therapy can include working on the pet’s range of motion, massage, pressure point therapy, joint mobilization and stretching. Hydro-therapy may include underwater treadmill, swimming and water jet therapy. Gait training is used to help pets learn to walk again after an injury or surgery, or to help correct an abnormal walk. Therapeutic exercises with balance boards, exercise balls and therabands can help a pet regain strength and balance, as well as help with overall conditioning.
Technologies utilized at pet rehabilitation centers may include therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, electric muscle stimulation, heat or cold therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, Pulsed Signal Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
How to Find a Pet Rehabilitation Center
The country's first canine rehabilitation certification program was started in 1997. Now there are 17 veterinary colleges in the United States that offer canine rehabilitation. Your veterinarian may be able to help you find a good Pet Rehabilitation Center or a certified therapist in your area.
You can also visit the website for the Canine Rehabilitation Institute (CRI), a leading pet rehabilitation certification center in the U.S. CRI provides veterinary and physical therapy professionals with training and hands-on experience learning state-of-the-art rehabilitation techniques. They offer a certification program for veterinarians and physical therapists, as well as one for veterinary technicians and physical therapist assistants. You can search their state-by-state database for graduates of their program who practice in your area.
Read more articles by Julia Williams
When age or injury makes it more difficult for your dog or cat to get around, many pet owners assume that nothing much can be done. However, thanks to new treatment options and modern technology, our pets don't have to hobble about in pain anymore. Pet rehabilitation centers are springing up all around the nation, and they’re helping pets regain mobility and get relief from the pain. Rehab can be a great help for humans, so why not for our pets too? Whether the aches and pains are from tendonitis or arthritis, a pinched nerve or surgery, a pet rehabilitation center can help to get your pet back on his paws.
Pet rehabilitation involves using a variety of treatments and technology to help restore normal function to their joints and muscles. Rehab can improve a pet’s flexibility and mobility, enhance limb use and mitigate pain. The pet rehab facility takes a holistic approach to health and considers all factors, including medical history, current issues, body condition, lifestyle, nutrition, supplements and medication. Pets typically visit a rehabilitation center about twice a week, and owners are also taught how to do core exercises with their pet at home.
Pet rehabilitation centers combine the education and expertise of a veterinarian with a doctor of physical therapy. This produces optimum results because vets understand the nature of pet injuries and diseases while physical therapists understand the science of rehabilitation – e.g., how a body moves, joint and soft tissue mechanics and the impact of exercise. Add cutting edge technology to the mix, and it’s easy to see how beneficial this could be for aging or injured pets.
Does Your Pet Need Rehabilitation?
Your pet may benefit from rehabilitation if it has one or more of the following:
● Arthritis or dysplasia
● Tendonitis or bursitis
● Ligament tears or sprains
● Muscle strains, spasms or weakness
● Spine disorders: disc problems, neck or back pain
● Appetite or behavior changes that suggest discomfort
● Limping, gait abnormality or change in movement quality
● Post-operative orthopedic or neurological surgeries
● Reluctance to go for walks or engage in play
● Difficulty jumping up on the bed or sofa
● Changes in posture during daily activities
● Performance problems in canine athletics
● Obesity or a need for an overall wellness plan
Treatments Available at Pet Rehabilitation Centers
The techniques and treatments available will vary depend on the individual rehab center and the condition being treated. Manual therapy can include working on the pet’s range of motion, massage, pressure point therapy, joint mobilization and stretching. Hydro-therapy may include underwater treadmill, swimming and water jet therapy. Gait training is used to help pets learn to walk again after an injury or surgery, or to help correct an abnormal walk. Therapeutic exercises with balance boards, exercise balls and therabands can help a pet regain strength and balance, as well as help with overall conditioning.
Technologies utilized at pet rehabilitation centers may include therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, electric muscle stimulation, heat or cold therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, Pulsed Signal Therapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
How to Find a Pet Rehabilitation Center
The country's first canine rehabilitation certification program was started in 1997. Now there are 17 veterinary colleges in the United States that offer canine rehabilitation. Your veterinarian may be able to help you find a good Pet Rehabilitation Center or a certified therapist in your area.
You can also visit the website for the Canine Rehabilitation Institute (CRI), a leading pet rehabilitation certification center in the U.S. CRI provides veterinary and physical therapy professionals with training and hands-on experience learning state-of-the-art rehabilitation techniques. They offer a certification program for veterinarians and physical therapists, as well as one for veterinary technicians and physical therapist assistants. You can search their state-by-state database for graduates of their program who practice in your area.
Read more articles by Julia Williams
canine health,
feline health,
Julia Williams,
pet rehabilitation,
Wednesday Pet Roundup

* The first rescue dogs are arriving at the former home of Michael Vick, which is now a dog rescue facility thanks to the rescue group Dogs Deserve Better.
* ABC news brings us the story of Naki'o, the bionic dog with four prothetic paws. Naki'o is running and playing, and adjusting well after losing his paws to frostbite.
* In other medical news, Sugar, the cocker spaniel mix who was paralyzed in the Joplin tornado, is improving after surgery and her family is hopeful she'll regain full use of her legs.
* Oregon Live, a new dog sport called K9 Nose Work sounds like fun for dogs!
* From the Baltimore Sun, tips that can help dogs afraid of fireworks. Two interesting solutions: Anxiety Wrap and Calming Cap.
Is your dog afraid of fireworks? Would your dog excel at K9 Nose Work? What do you think of the advances in medicine that can help injured dogs in new ways?
How to Tell if Your Pet is Overweight
By Suzanne Alicie
Responsible pet owners have the job of making sure their pets stay healthy and fit. Besides regular vet visits and exercise, it’s also important to make sure your pet is at the proper weight. Overweight animals, just like overweight people, tend to develop other health problems. Some people think it’s cute to see a big fluffy cat or pudgy pooch, and you may believe that a full bodied animal is healthy. But there is a limit to just how big a dog or cat should be allowed to get. This has nothing to do with height or length; the determination of whether a dog or cat is overweight is generally based on their appearance. There are several visual indicators that let you know it’s time to discuss your pet’s food intake with the veterinarian.
Overweight Cats
Felines are known for their lithe bodies, and cat owners can help their kitties watch their figure by keeping an eye on the following areas.
• Ribs should be easily felt but not sticking out prominently.
• From above, your cat should have some indentation between the ribs and the hips; this is the feline hourglass shape that is healthy.
• The cat’s belly should not protrude to the sides or hang down.
• Feline hips should be covered with a light fleshiness. If you have to really search to find the hip bones, your cat is likely overweight.
Overweight Dogs
Because different dog breeds have differently shaped bodies, you may find it more difficult to determine if a small fluffy dog is overweight than if a large shorthaired dog is overweight. Just keep in mind that even if you can’t see it, you can feel it.
• Look and feel the dog's ribs to see whether they are covered by a t-shirt thin layer of skin/meat or a coat thick layer. You should be able to feel the ribs easily.
• Look at your dog from the top and see if you can see and/or feel the shoulders, hips and a slight indentation between the ribs and hips. If these are easily determined, your dog probably isn’t overweight.
• Dogs are often muscular, and when you run your hands along the dog’s body you should be able to feel the structure of the muscles rather than just a solid mass.
Preventing Overweight Pets
Most cats and dogs love treats (especially those tasty TidNips™ from CANIDAE!) but they also have daily food requirements. Read the helpful RPO article “How Much to Feed Your Dog” for some basic guidelines. It’s important that you follow the guidelines on your pet’s food, and adjust the caloric intake to allow for treats as well. To keep your pets from being overweight, make sure that they get exercise every day, eat the required amount of food and are checked for health problems that may cause weight gain.
Helping Overweight Pets Slim Down
If you’ve allowed your pet to become overweight, now you get to meet the challenge of getting your tubby tabby or floppy Fido in shape. Your vet can help you determine just how much your pet should have to eat each day to lose the excess weight in a healthy manner. Keep in mind that the body of dogs and cats is much smaller than human bodies, but starvation diets aren’t any healthier for them than they are for you!
You can also help your overweight pet shed the flab by providing plenty of exercise and playtime. Cats love interactive toys such as the “fishing pole” that has feathers or a soft toy on the end. For overweight dogs, check out these articles: How to Train Your Dog for Agility, Running With Your Dog, and Can Your Pooch Help You Lose Your Paunch?
Photo by By Jose Inacio
Read more articles by Suzanne Alicie
Responsible pet owners have the job of making sure their pets stay healthy and fit. Besides regular vet visits and exercise, it’s also important to make sure your pet is at the proper weight. Overweight animals, just like overweight people, tend to develop other health problems. Some people think it’s cute to see a big fluffy cat or pudgy pooch, and you may believe that a full bodied animal is healthy. But there is a limit to just how big a dog or cat should be allowed to get. This has nothing to do with height or length; the determination of whether a dog or cat is overweight is generally based on their appearance. There are several visual indicators that let you know it’s time to discuss your pet’s food intake with the veterinarian.
Overweight Cats
Felines are known for their lithe bodies, and cat owners can help their kitties watch their figure by keeping an eye on the following areas.
• Ribs should be easily felt but not sticking out prominently.
• From above, your cat should have some indentation between the ribs and the hips; this is the feline hourglass shape that is healthy.
• The cat’s belly should not protrude to the sides or hang down.
• Feline hips should be covered with a light fleshiness. If you have to really search to find the hip bones, your cat is likely overweight.
Overweight Dogs
Because different dog breeds have differently shaped bodies, you may find it more difficult to determine if a small fluffy dog is overweight than if a large shorthaired dog is overweight. Just keep in mind that even if you can’t see it, you can feel it.
• Look and feel the dog's ribs to see whether they are covered by a t-shirt thin layer of skin/meat or a coat thick layer. You should be able to feel the ribs easily.
• Look at your dog from the top and see if you can see and/or feel the shoulders, hips and a slight indentation between the ribs and hips. If these are easily determined, your dog probably isn’t overweight.
• Dogs are often muscular, and when you run your hands along the dog’s body you should be able to feel the structure of the muscles rather than just a solid mass.
Preventing Overweight Pets
Most cats and dogs love treats (especially those tasty TidNips™ from CANIDAE!) but they also have daily food requirements. Read the helpful RPO article “How Much to Feed Your Dog” for some basic guidelines. It’s important that you follow the guidelines on your pet’s food, and adjust the caloric intake to allow for treats as well. To keep your pets from being overweight, make sure that they get exercise every day, eat the required amount of food and are checked for health problems that may cause weight gain.
Helping Overweight Pets Slim Down
If you’ve allowed your pet to become overweight, now you get to meet the challenge of getting your tubby tabby or floppy Fido in shape. Your vet can help you determine just how much your pet should have to eat each day to lose the excess weight in a healthy manner. Keep in mind that the body of dogs and cats is much smaller than human bodies, but starvation diets aren’t any healthier for them than they are for you!
You can also help your overweight pet shed the flab by providing plenty of exercise and playtime. Cats love interactive toys such as the “fishing pole” that has feathers or a soft toy on the end. For overweight dogs, check out these articles: How to Train Your Dog for Agility, Running With Your Dog, and Can Your Pooch Help You Lose Your Paunch?
Photo by By Jose Inacio
Read more articles by Suzanne Alicie
canine health,
feline health,
pet food,
Suzanne Alicie
Frankie the Walk 'n Roll Dog Coloring and Paper Doll Activity Book

Barbara is author of four books: Frankie the walk 'n roll dog; Frankie the walk 'n roll dog Activity Book Frankie the walk 'n roll therapy dog Visits Libby's House; and her newest release, Frankie the walk 'n roll dog Coloring and Paper Doll Activity Book.
This new coloring book is full of big beautiful, bold illustrations to color, along with the story of Frankie and her PAWsitive attitude. Some of the pages contain photographs of Frankie, with frames and backgrounds to color. In addition, there is an adorable Frankie paper doll--uh, paper dog, with sweaters, hats and bandanas!
This book is a perfect gift for any child. While they are coloring and playing, they will be learning a valuable lesson about CAPabilities, lessons that they can apply to both animals and people. If you have a special child in your life, I hope you'll rush right out (or just click away) and give them a copy of this wonderful book.
Book Synopsis:
Frankie the walk '

A PAWSitive Coloring and Paper Doll Activity Book
Three Books In One!
It's a story book based on my award-winning book, Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog (shorter, condensed version- perfect for younger children), pages to color along to the story, plus real photos of Frankie, and to top it off, a Frankie Paper Doll (dog) complete with her wheelchair to cut out, along with many of her favorite outfits you can dress her in. 52 pages of fun and inspiration!
*This week, a portion

You can also buy Frankie the walk 'n roll dog coloring and paper doll activity book on Amazon!
Barbara's Frankie the walk 'n roll dog books have received National Best Book for children's picturebook, Merial Human-Animal Bond award, Editor's Choice from Allbooks Review, Indie Excellence finalist and Indie Excellence winner.
Be sure to visit Barbara and Frankie's website Joyful Paws.
How Facebook Helps Pets In Need
By Linda Cole
Anyone with a Facebook account understands the addictive nature of this social networking site. It's a place where anyone can go to meet new people (with the proper precautions), get information and find pets that are in need of homes. The site even helps lost pets that have gone through natural disasters get reunited with frantic owners who were searching for them. Facebook is helping to change the plight of pets, one animal at a time.
Natural disasters affect not only the people who experience them directly, but those of us who only witness them via TV reports and now, social media. This year's violent and deadly tornadoes have given new meaning to “keep your eye on the weather.” People who live in tornado prone states aren't taking warnings and watches for granted this year. We can't do anything about the weather, but we can help those affected by it in ways that weren't possible five years ago.
Several days after the Joplin tornado, my Facebook news page was filled with posts from people who’d found pets in a demolished home or wandering aimlessly among the rubble. I also saw a number of posts from pet owners asking if anyone had seen their pet. It struck me then that Facebook had become a sort of “bulletin board” for lost and found. This is not what we see on TV news reports. Oh sure, we get some personal stories, but we don't get the day-to-day activities that go on after a natural disaster. I gladly shared each post I saw hoping it might help reunite pets with their owners. It was my only way of trying to help. But the power of social media cannot be denied, and I know that sharing someone else's post might lead to a person who was able to help in a way I couldn't.
Rescue groups and shelters have also discovered how a social networking site like Facebook can help them reach more people throughout the country. I follow 30 or so rescue sites, and on any given day I see appeals from these groups for pets in overflowing shelters that need forever homes. It may seem like a small thing to simply click “share,” but doing so does have the potential to make a difference. Every now and then, a shelter dog or cat does find a home via Facebook.
Causes you are passionate about are easy to follow on Facebook. As with political influence, when large groups of people who are interested in a particular cause have the opportunity to join together and speak in one voice, people listen. Patrick is an abused pit bull who is lucky to have been found. His story began circulating on Facebook, and as more and more people got involved, outrage turned into action. “Patrick's Law” was started as a grassroots effort to bring about change in pet abuse laws that would make abuse a felony with stricter punishments. Whether or not this grassroots cry for justice has the power to promote change is yet to be seen, but without Facebook it wouldn’t have reached enough people and likely would have died out before it had a chance to get started.
Facebook has given a voice to regular people from around the country to address their concerns about a shelter in their area who may not be in business for the best welfare of the pets in their care. Some no kill facilities have been found to be anything but. The only way we can change how things are done is by passing the word to one person at a time. We do have a powerful voice – if we all speak up together. Pets have no voice, but Facebook is changing that.
The CANIDAE Facebook page is a great place to stay up-to-date on all the news from CANIDAE Natural Pet Food Company. You can find updates on your favorite CANIDAE dog food and treats, sponsored events and more informative articles. It's also a great place to get in touch with the wonderful customer service people at CANIDAE if you have any questions. If you have a kitty, be sure to bookmark the FELIDAE Cat Food Facebook page as well.
With the advent of social networking sites like Facebook, one person can make a difference in the life of a pet – even if that pet is thousands of miles away. A simple “share” gets important information passed along in the hope it will lead to the right person. And sometimes it does. A special deaf dog named Nico was saved because of a picture posted on Facebook.
Photo by Yukari
Read more articles by Linda Cole
Anyone with a Facebook account understands the addictive nature of this social networking site. It's a place where anyone can go to meet new people (with the proper precautions), get information and find pets that are in need of homes. The site even helps lost pets that have gone through natural disasters get reunited with frantic owners who were searching for them. Facebook is helping to change the plight of pets, one animal at a time.
Natural disasters affect not only the people who experience them directly, but those of us who only witness them via TV reports and now, social media. This year's violent and deadly tornadoes have given new meaning to “keep your eye on the weather.” People who live in tornado prone states aren't taking warnings and watches for granted this year. We can't do anything about the weather, but we can help those affected by it in ways that weren't possible five years ago.
Several days after the Joplin tornado, my Facebook news page was filled with posts from people who’d found pets in a demolished home or wandering aimlessly among the rubble. I also saw a number of posts from pet owners asking if anyone had seen their pet. It struck me then that Facebook had become a sort of “bulletin board” for lost and found. This is not what we see on TV news reports. Oh sure, we get some personal stories, but we don't get the day-to-day activities that go on after a natural disaster. I gladly shared each post I saw hoping it might help reunite pets with their owners. It was my only way of trying to help. But the power of social media cannot be denied, and I know that sharing someone else's post might lead to a person who was able to help in a way I couldn't.
Rescue groups and shelters have also discovered how a social networking site like Facebook can help them reach more people throughout the country. I follow 30 or so rescue sites, and on any given day I see appeals from these groups for pets in overflowing shelters that need forever homes. It may seem like a small thing to simply click “share,” but doing so does have the potential to make a difference. Every now and then, a shelter dog or cat does find a home via Facebook.
Causes you are passionate about are easy to follow on Facebook. As with political influence, when large groups of people who are interested in a particular cause have the opportunity to join together and speak in one voice, people listen. Patrick is an abused pit bull who is lucky to have been found. His story began circulating on Facebook, and as more and more people got involved, outrage turned into action. “Patrick's Law” was started as a grassroots effort to bring about change in pet abuse laws that would make abuse a felony with stricter punishments. Whether or not this grassroots cry for justice has the power to promote change is yet to be seen, but without Facebook it wouldn’t have reached enough people and likely would have died out before it had a chance to get started.
Facebook has given a voice to regular people from around the country to address their concerns about a shelter in their area who may not be in business for the best welfare of the pets in their care. Some no kill facilities have been found to be anything but. The only way we can change how things are done is by passing the word to one person at a time. We do have a powerful voice – if we all speak up together. Pets have no voice, but Facebook is changing that.
The CANIDAE Facebook page is a great place to stay up-to-date on all the news from CANIDAE Natural Pet Food Company. You can find updates on your favorite CANIDAE dog food and treats, sponsored events and more informative articles. It's also a great place to get in touch with the wonderful customer service people at CANIDAE if you have any questions. If you have a kitty, be sure to bookmark the FELIDAE Cat Food Facebook page as well.
With the advent of social networking sites like Facebook, one person can make a difference in the life of a pet – even if that pet is thousands of miles away. A simple “share” gets important information passed along in the hope it will lead to the right person. And sometimes it does. A special deaf dog named Nico was saved because of a picture posted on Facebook.
Photo by Yukari
Read more articles by Linda Cole
Linda Cole,
lost dog,
shelter dog
All By Myself...
Harley doesn't want to be all by himself anymore...
Another page (from me this time) for Harley. Harley is an adoptable cat located in Woodbridge, NJ. He's currently being fostered, but doesn't get along with the resident cats in the household and so he's kept segregated and is lonely. All he wants is a human to call his own, and will allow him to be an only cat.
Please contact me for further information or if you're interested in adopting Harley; transportation for a meet and greet is available, if you're not in the immediate area. (and just an FYI, I'm not the person who will make the decision on who adopts Harley, his foster mom will)
The kit I used is DaisyTrail's Moonlight Forest; lyrics by Eric Carmen and Sergei Rachmaninoff, info courtesy of Wikipedia.
Angel PAWS,
Adopt a Cat Month Poem and Hop
Adopt a Cat Month Blog Hop! Thank you to afFURmation for putting this blog hop together!

In honor of Adopt a cat Month, I've written this poem:
Would you like to adopt a tiny cat?

Or one who's kind of fat?

Or do these cats make your heart go pitter pat?

Do you like a cat with flowing hair?

Looks like a bear?

Or needs special care?
(Curley is blind in one eye.)
Adopt a cat, I think you'll like it if you try.
If you are looking for other ways to promote Adopt A Cat Month, Visit Petfinder- June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat-Month.
Join the Adopt a Cat Blog Hop! To participate you just need to:
1. Write a post on cat adoption- you can feature cats looking for homes, share a Happy Tail about adoption, give tips about adding a new cat- anything cat adoption related is fine.
2. Add the Adopt A Cat Month Badge to your post or sidebar.
3. Add your link to the hop, below. Also, if you want you can grab the linky code.
4. Be sure to visit other blogs in the hop!
In honor of Adopt a cat Month, I've written this poem:
Would you like to adopt a tiny cat?
Or one who's kind of fat?
Or do these cats make your heart go pitter pat?
Do you like a cat with flowing hair?
Looks like a bear?
Or needs special care?
(Curley is blind in one eye.)
Adopt a cat, I think you'll like it if you try.
If you are looking for other ways to promote Adopt A Cat Month, Visit Petfinder- June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat-Month.
Join the Adopt a Cat Blog Hop! To participate you just need to:
1. Write a post on cat adoption- you can feature cats looking for homes, share a Happy Tail about adoption, give tips about adding a new cat- anything cat adoption related is fine.
2. Add the Adopt A Cat Month Badge to your post or sidebar.
3. Add your link to the hop, below. Also, if you want you can grab the linky code.
4. Be sure to visit other blogs in the hop!
adopt a cat month,
blog hop,
Harley's message in a bottle: SOS, I really need my very own human to love...
and to make me their special boy.
Awww. Yes, Harley, you do need your very own human to love and who will make you their special boy. We're working on it and will, hopefully, have success soon in finding you a new home where you can be King Cat.
Here's another page from Pauline, my friend at ScrapbookFlair, in anticipation of the Harley's Angels challenge which starts on July 1st.
Another terrific page (see yesterday's Harley post for Pauline's first page).
Pauline used the kit "Ocean Breeze" by Courtney's Digiscrappin', available at Angel Baby Scraps. It's such a pretty kit, thanks Courtney!
Angel PAWS,
Harley wants his own human to love
is the title of this wonderful page for Harley in anticipation of the Harley's Angels Challenge at ScrapbookFlair.
Many, many thanks to my friend, Pauline, from London (England, that is!) for creating this beautiful page. It was Pauline's idea to run this challenge to begin with and, for that, I thank her!
Pauline used the gorgeous kit by Courtney's DigiScrappin' (via Angel Baby Scraps Store) called Elegant Garden. Terrific kit, go get yourself a copy!
Angel PAWS,
Smudge found a home!
Smudge went to her new home last night, after vetting by us at work. Smudge's story gives hope to every animal that's been stuck in a shelter for forever - you see, she came to Angel PAWS as a two-year old in 2004!
The volunteer who took Smudge to her new home said this: "Smudge came to us in 2004. She was brought to us by another rescue person who had been fostering her for another group and needed to find a place for some of them. We took a few cats from her, Smudge was one of them. She was about 2 years old when we got her. She was very timid, but loved pets, and liked other cats. She tried to be a rafter girl, but didn't quite make it :-)"
(a rafter cat is a kitty who's so scared, skittish, or shy that she goes down to the basement at the shelter and takes up residence in the ceiling rafters, never to be touched by humans again - or at least, close to never again. They come down only when humans aren't at the shelter working. Smudge tried hard; she'd hang out in the almost-tippy-top bed in the cat tree that's there, but she'd be just far enough down that we could give her pets and some lovin')
Here's Ms. Smudge in her new home (and new cubbyhole); I'm pleased to say that she seems to be acclimating very nicely already, which is something of a surprise to us all!
The wordart/bead strand translates to "It's a wonderful day" and it certainly WAS a wonderful day for Ms. Smudge!
The kit I used is Elle DeMai's Purple Addiction.
Angel PAWS,
Harley's Angels
Even though the Harley's Angels Challenge at ScrapbookFlair doesn't start until July 1st, I've asked anyone who's creating their pages early to go ahead and post them to their blogs or Facebook walls now, so we can get the ball rolling on getting Harley seen.
My good friend Yvonne, who's from Australia, has created two pages for Harley and put them up on her blog, Lavender's Corner:
Thank you SO much, Yvonne! Your pages are wonderful!
Angel PAWS,
Amazing Pet Expos Offers Tips for Attendees and their Pets
No doubt about it, our pet expos are CROWDED. As with any event that attracts large crowds, we've found that people who prepare for it tend to have a much better experience. With that being said, here are some tips that we've come up with to help ensure that our guests have the best day possible at the show:
Only bring your pet along if it is well-behaved, non-aggressive and doesn't get stressed out in crowded, stimulating and noisy situations. There are all kinds of other animals, small children, wheelchairs and lots of people at the event. Your pet will be exposed to dogs barking, people speaking loudly on microphones, crowds clapping and attendees cheering. You know your pet best, so please use your best judgment to make sure that your pet will enjoy the expo just as much as you will.
We only have a few rules for bringing pets: Your pet must be current on all shots or you should plan to have your pet's immunizations updated at the event; low-cost vaccinations and microchipping are offered on-site. The immunization requirement only applies to dogs, cats and ferrets. A rabies tag is acceptable as proof of immunization, as are blood titer results for those pet owners who don't immunize annually. Dogs must be on a fixed lead or a locked retractible lead, no longer than 6 feet, at all times. You'll be required to sign a pet waiver at the entrance, but you can avoid the line by visiting the Phoenix Pet Expo website to fill your pet waiver form out in advance.
3. Once inside, stop by the prize entry table to register for awesome giveaways and prizes from our exhibitors. Does your pet have an amazing talent or enjoy being the center of attention? Make sure to enter them in the pet talent and costume contests. These popular events (and the great winning prize packages) draw a large crowd!
4. Bring cash. There are many opportunities for shopping and donations here and some rescue groups may not accept credit cards. There is an ATM on site as well.
5. The Pet Expo program includes all the vendor names and locations, a map of the show floor, as well as the full schedule of events and activities at the expo. You'll be offered one at the entrance so make sure that you pick up your copy!
6. If you are interested in adopting a pet, the Mega-Adoption area could be just what you're looking for, plus the majority of rescue groups have pets in their booths too. Hundreds of pets will be available for adoption or application (for those groups that don't do on-site adoptions).
7. High traffic events for the day will be agility, flyball and activity courses, as well as the entertainment stage. You may want to take a moment, either before the event by looking online, or once you arrive, to review the show program so that you have a general idea of how you want to spend your time at the expo. Plus you don't want to miss anything!
8. Take note of the pet-potty areas located both indoors and out. While we do have pet clean-up teams at the event, you'll also be given bags for your pet's waste pick-up when you enter. Please be kind and pick up after your pet.
9. Pet water stations be will scattered throughout the expo so that your excited companion doesn't get dehydrated. These are communal bowls, so if you have a puppy, please keep it safe and bring a travel or disposable bowl for their use.
10. Pace yourself! It's a long day and there are many things to see. Make sure you take periodic breaks and give your pet a chance to rest - or step out of the expo for a few moments of quiet - if you plan to stay all day.
11. Many exhibitors offer some sort of treat for pets. If your pet has a sensitive stomach or is super excited, you may want to consider allowing your pet one or two treats and then allowing her/him to enjoy the rest at home. We see a lot of dogs gobble up as many treats as possible only to - ahem - urp them up a few hours later.
12. If you have a small or tiny dog, you may want to be prepared to either carry it or have a stroller available. There are so many large and super large dogs at the expos that some small pet owners feel overwhelmed and their little fur-babies may unintentionally get stepped on.
13. If you are attending the expo with the intent of adopting a new family member, you may want to either bring a crate or some sort of car restraint with you or be prepared to purchase something along those lines at the show. We often have people ask us at the show if we have any boxes or crates that they can have/borrow. We don't and cage/pet carriers may sell out. So either bring one with you or plan to arrive extra early.
Amazing Pet Expos currently produces more than a dozen pet expos around the country; all of them indoors and free to the general public.
Only bring your pet along if it is well-behaved, non-aggressive and doesn't get stressed out in crowded, stimulating and noisy situations. There are all kinds of other animals, small children, wheelchairs and lots of people at the event. Your pet will be exposed to dogs barking, people speaking loudly on microphones, crowds clapping and attendees cheering. You know your pet best, so please use your best judgment to make sure that your pet will enjoy the expo just as much as you will.
We only have a few rules for bringing pets: Your pet must be current on all shots or you should plan to have your pet's immunizations updated at the event; low-cost vaccinations and microchipping are offered on-site. The immunization requirement only applies to dogs, cats and ferrets. A rabies tag is acceptable as proof of immunization, as are blood titer results for those pet owners who don't immunize annually. Dogs must be on a fixed lead or a locked retractible lead, no longer than 6 feet, at all times. You'll be required to sign a pet waiver at the entrance, but you can avoid the line by visiting the Phoenix Pet Expo website to fill your pet waiver form out in advance.
3. Once inside, stop by the prize entry table to register for awesome giveaways and prizes from our exhibitors. Does your pet have an amazing talent or enjoy being the center of attention? Make sure to enter them in the pet talent and costume contests. These popular events (and the great winning prize packages) draw a large crowd!
4. Bring cash. There are many opportunities for shopping and donations here and some rescue groups may not accept credit cards. There is an ATM on site as well.
5. The Pet Expo program includes all the vendor names and locations, a map of the show floor, as well as the full schedule of events and activities at the expo. You'll be offered one at the entrance so make sure that you pick up your copy!
6. If you are interested in adopting a pet, the Mega-Adoption area could be just what you're looking for, plus the majority of rescue groups have pets in their booths too. Hundreds of pets will be available for adoption or application (for those groups that don't do on-site adoptions).
7. High traffic events for the day will be agility, flyball and activity courses, as well as the entertainment stage. You may want to take a moment, either before the event by looking online, or once you arrive, to review the show program so that you have a general idea of how you want to spend your time at the expo. Plus you don't want to miss anything!
8. Take note of the pet-potty areas located both indoors and out. While we do have pet clean-up teams at the event, you'll also be given bags for your pet's waste pick-up when you enter. Please be kind and pick up after your pet.
9. Pet water stations be will scattered throughout the expo so that your excited companion doesn't get dehydrated. These are communal bowls, so if you have a puppy, please keep it safe and bring a travel or disposable bowl for their use.
10. Pace yourself! It's a long day and there are many things to see. Make sure you take periodic breaks and give your pet a chance to rest - or step out of the expo for a few moments of quiet - if you plan to stay all day.
11. Many exhibitors offer some sort of treat for pets. If your pet has a sensitive stomach or is super excited, you may want to consider allowing your pet one or two treats and then allowing her/him to enjoy the rest at home. We see a lot of dogs gobble up as many treats as possible only to - ahem - urp them up a few hours later.
12. If you have a small or tiny dog, you may want to be prepared to either carry it or have a stroller available. There are so many large and super large dogs at the expos that some small pet owners feel overwhelmed and their little fur-babies may unintentionally get stepped on.
13. If you are attending the expo with the intent of adopting a new family member, you may want to either bring a crate or some sort of car restraint with you or be prepared to purchase something along those lines at the show. We often have people ask us at the show if we have any boxes or crates that they can have/borrow. We don't and cage/pet carriers may sell out. So either bring one with you or plan to arrive extra early.
Amazing Pet Expos currently produces more than a dozen pet expos around the country; all of them indoors and free to the general public.
Doing Nothing
Paws for Thought (from Calvin and Pooh):

* There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. ~Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes
* Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering. ~Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A.A. Milne
* There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. ~Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes
* Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering. ~Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A.A. Milne
Calvin and Hobbes,
Harley's still looking for a furever home...
So Debbie had someone interested in Harley, and they just totally blew her off after making an appointment to see him. Boo!
I've created a new challenge on ScrapbookFlair called Harley's Angels. If you're a member of SBF (and I know a lot of you are!), please consider joining in the fun and let's see if social networking is all it's cracked up to be! (and if you're not a member, join, scrap a page for Harley, and join in the fun!)
I've asked Debbie to choose the Challenge Owner's Choice award when the challenge is over; I hope she'll do it! Otherwise, I will.
The kit I used for this page is called Mint Memories, and it's by Angel Baby Scraps. Thanks, Angel!
Angel PAWS,
Buster is an "older" kitty that came to the shelter at Angel PAWS recently. Honestly, I'm not sure how he got there - but he did. He had a bad eye, which needed removal, and we did that at the vet practice where I work. Buster's a real sweetie-pie!
The really neat thing was that Buster was recently adopted! I had the opportunity to meet the family the other day when they brought him in to have his stitches removed, and they're just lovely. What's truly wonderful though, is that the child in the family wanted BUSTER, not some young and cute kitten!
Wish there were more families like that out there - there are way too many older cats in shelters being overlooked these days in favor of the "cute" - older cats make wonderful companions and, for the most part, their destructive days are behind them, you know what you're getting as far as temperament, etc.
So...thank you for adopting Buster, and thanks to anyone out there who's adopted an older cat, or one with special needs!
The kit I used to scrap Buster is "Dusty Rose" by Angel Baby Scraps. Thank you, Angel, for a beautiful kit!
The kit I used to scrap Buster is "Dusty Rose" by Angel Baby Scraps. Thank you, Angel, for a beautiful kit!
Angel PAWS,
animal awareness,
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