Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Meet a dog I met this weekend, Fozzie Bear! He likes to ride around in his mom and dad's golf cart.

* Catster brings you the cutest cat in the world. I agree!

* Here is a great list from Dr. Shawn Finch, DVM on Life with Dogs blog, about pet health including:

--- Feeding your dogs well will enhance and extend their lives more than any other thing I can imagine.

--- Dogs will not always stop playing when they are tired. They will not always come out of the heat or the cold. They do not know how to safely cross the street or balance in the back of a pickup truck. They need us to protect them.

--- Puppy mills are the scourge of the dog world.

See the entire list for more. I agree with every word.

* I Still Want More Puppies highlights yet another frustratingly depressing story about dogs in hot cars, and asks, "when will it stop?"

* Check out these photos from International Business Times of the Imperial Beach, California surf dog competition. 50 dogs competed, including Bulldogs, Border Collie, Pug, Pomeranian, and more.