Hello Kitty Dog
Romania confronts huge meat pile
The firm, Protan, could be fined up to £10,000 ($20,000) and those found responsible could face jail terms.
The carcasses are rotting amid heat of 38C (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit), just meters from a main road. Piles of black plastic bags are stacked around the dump, with bits of chicken and even horse carcasses poking through.
A strong wind is blowing the stench in all directions, but more worrying is the danger to human health.
The abandoned ducklings raised in a teacup
Their rescuer, canoeist Chris Murray, is nursing them back to health.
The Pet Economy
Americans now spend $41 billion a year on their pets—more than the gross domestic product of all but 64 countries in the world. That's double the amount shelled out on pets a decade ago, with annual spending expected to hit $52 billion in the next two years. That puts the yearly cost of buying, feeding, and caring for pets in excess of what Americans spend on the movies ($10.8 billion), playing video games ($11.6 billion), and listening to recorded music ($10.6 billion) combined.
42% of dogs now sleep in the same bed as their owners, up from 34% in 1998. Their menu reflects every fad in human food—from locally sourced organic meat and vegan snacks to gourmet meals bolstered by, say, glucosamine to ward off stiff joints. Half of all dog owners say they consider their pet's comfort when buying a car, and almost a third buy gifts for their dogs' birthdays. About 77% of dogs and 52% of cats have been medicated in the past year, an increase of about 20 percentage points from 1996.
About 63% of U.S. households, or 71 million homes, now own at least one pet, up from 64 million just five years ago. After consumer electronics, pet care is the fastest-growing category in retail, expanding about 6% a year. More new pet products were launched in the first six months of last year than in all of 2005.
Pet products now aim to make people feel they're being extra good to their little ones—much as toy makers have long encouraged parents to spoil kids. Along with doggie spas, there are mobile pet-grooming vans, pedicure services, professional dog walkers, and massage therapy for animals. And for some pet lovers, no medical procedure is too extreme. Plastic surgeons offer rhinoplasty, eye lifts, and other cosmetic procedures to help tone down certain doggy features, from droopy eyes to puggish noses. Root canals, braces, and even crowns for chipped teeth are also becoming more popular.
Lost love bird found inside plane from Bangkok
The airline could not say how the bird ended up inside the jet, but an unidentified passenger might have sneaked the bird into the aircraft during boarding back in Bangkok.
Doctor Simeon Amurao, officer-in-charge of the airport Veterinary Quarantine Service, said the bird died due to extreme stress, just before it was supposed to be euthanized per routine procedure.
Boozy bird banned after sticking beak in beer
According to the UK's The Sun, the boozy bird, nicknamed Carling by drinkers, swoops on customers' pints whenever they turn their backs.
Sarah Wyatt, manager of the David Protheroe pub in Neath, South Wales, told the newspaper: "At first everyone thought it was funny. Then a bird expert pointed out he's a carrion crow which feeds off dead animals."
"I'm glad he's been banned. You never know where his beak's been."
Hollywood pigeons to be put on the pill
Over the next few months a birth control product called OvoControl P, which interferes with egg development, will be placed in bird food in new rooftop feeders.
“We think we’ve got a good solution to a bad situation,” said Laura Dodson, president of the Argyle Civic Association, the group leading the effort to try the new contraceptive. “The poop problem has become unmanageable and this could be the answer.”
Pet Dander Lingering in the Home
It’s become a bigger concern since he’s in the market for a new home and has visited several where there are pets. His main concern of course is how long does it take for the pet dander to completely leave the home?
A call to the doctor gave him some approximations, but of course, a doctor won’t guarantee anything. He was told that in general pet dander can take up to 6 months to fully leave the home. It can be in the vents, ducts, walls and carpets. A new carpet and newly painted walls may get rid of the dander faster, but there is no telling if there will be anything in the walls, frames, or baseboards.
There are some things that he can do to help make it a smooth transition if he does buy a place that used to have animals. Those include having the vents cleaned, rugs shampooed and investing in an air purifier. But again, there is no sure fire way to know if all of the dander is out of the home.
If anyone has any experience in this area, please let me know. You can email me at mattfm77@Hotmail.com with any experiences or tips.
Romeo guinea pig causes baby boom
Sooty wooed the lady guinea pigs, one by one, and has now become the proud father of 42 baby guinea pigs from his two nights of passion.
His endeavours left staff at Little Friend's Farm, Hopkinstown, Pontypridd, amazed at his stamina.
Park owner Carol Feehan, 42, said: "I'm sure a lot of men will be looking at Sooty with envy.
Plane Diverted By Dog On Runway
The dog, which appeared to be a stray, turned up on the runway on the south side of the airport around 5:45 a.m.
The dog ran across both runways, eluding airport security workers for 30-minutes, as they chased it in vehicles and on foot.
Cute Owston's Palm Civets
Experiments on animals soar
The growing use of genetically-modified mice in scientific research last year pushed the total number of animals used in laboratory testing to more than three million for the first time since 1991.
More than two-thirds of all the animals used in scientific testing were mice. Another 406,000 procedures were carried out on rats.
But the use of larger, more controversial species continued. Some 4,200 "non-human primates", including monkeys and marmosets, were used in British labs. That figure was a 10 per cent fall from 2005.
And among the large mammals used last year were 36,377 sheep, 8,821 horses, 7,402 dogs, 5,334 cattle and 4,675 pigs.
Fish Condo
Fish Condo
Doesn't your fish deserve to live as stylishly as you do? This fish condo not only breaks up the monotony of one-bowl swimming, it makes your fish the envy of his friends. 3 interconnected globes create a 3-room living space.
Owl Pin
Owl Pin
This Cute Owl Pin is all HandMade with Polymer Clay. He is about 1 1/2 inches high, with a basic pin back on his back.
He sure is a Hoot! :)
Video: Penguin Drama Unfolds as Antarctica Heats Up
Go into the field with researchers studying Antarctica's wildlife, and find out which of the penguin protagonists are adapting to a warming world—and which are suffering.
Video: Pit Bull and Chicks
Just to prove they weren't his dinner, here they are 2 months later
Time runs out for Hindu temple's sacred bull
The plight of Shambo the bull had attracted international attention since his diagnosis this spring and prompted an Internet campaign by the Skanda Vale monastery to save him. Hindus revere cattle and said killing the bull would violate their religious rights.
More than 100 devout Hindus and their supporters prayed and chanted outside the bull's paddock throughout Thursday, but animal health officials and police led Shambo from the monastery to a trailer about 7:30 p.m. A Webcam site, dubbed Moo Tube, which the monastery set up to show the flower-garlanded bull in his paddock, broadcast images of an empty, hay-lined shrine.
Swami Suryananda, one of Shambo's caretakers, said officials had “committed the most violent and ignorant act of desecration of our temple and destroyed an innocent life.
“The perpetrators of this act will suffer the consequences of their actions for generations to come."
I Want a Gecko!

Why is it that every time I go to the pet store, I’m drawn to the reptile section? Geckos, snakes and the like always draw my attention…followed by a sigh of disgust from my wife. Naturally, when I suggest to her that I want a gecko, her first reaction is “no way.”
“Why not? “
“Because you’re too much of a klutz and those live crickets you have to feed them will end up all over the house. Crickets aren’t good for dogs, you know.”
So that reality check brings me back to earth with the thought that crickets are hard to catch if they get loose. But what is it about those reptiles? A reptile is defined as any of a class (Reptilia) of air-breathing vertebrates that include the alligators and crocodiles, lizards, snakes, turtles, and extinct related forms. In includes pythons, toads, iguanas, tortoises and more – you know, all those animals you see on the Animal Planet specials.
There are, however, many reasons to own a gecko, according to lizard fans. They can be an ideal pet that takes up little space, has simple food requirements, comes in designer colors and patterns and can withstand the life dealt out by even the most absent-minded of keepers. They are harmless creatures and become very tame as adults, taking food from your fingers.
Another fascinating thing about geckos is that before giving them crickets, it is important to "power feed" the insects for 24-48 hours prior to giving them to your pet. This is done simply by using a one-gallon plastic milk jug that is filled with chicken and a piece of potato or carrot. The idea is to fill the insect with nutritious food itself so that your pet can then fill itself with a balanced diet. If you merely feed them insects that aren’t fed well, then your lizard will suffer from poor health.
Now if I could just figure out how not to be such a klutz, maybe I can convince my wife that adding a lizard to our growing home of pets is not such a bad idea. That whole feeding the crickets before giving them to the lizard thing might not go over too well. She already tolerates the tropical fish food in the freezer and the ready made snails for the fish I had in the fridge…so I might be pushing my luck a bit!
Rare Siberian tiger cubs born at zoo
Lenuta and Costel, two tiger cubs from one of the world's most endangered species, the Siberian tiger, were born in a Romanian zoo this year.
The Siberian tiger, native to northern China, southern Russia and parts of North Korea is on the brink of extinction in the wild, decimated by poaching and loss of habitat. Scientists believe only a few hundred now live outside captivity.
The cubs, now weighing 3 kilos (6.6 lb) each, were born on May 21 to six-year-old Gina and her mate, six-year-old Geo.
VapoRub helps warring meerkats become best of friends
To prevent the animals from attacking the newcomers - which is the usual instinct for meerkats - the keepers came up with the ingenious idea of using Vicks VapoRub.
The novel solution involves rubbing Vicks on the animals' noses, under their tails and around their enclosure to block their scent for a couple of days.
It has been such a success they are now recommending it to other animal keepers.
Dog sniffs out mold problem
That's important because Kody does the work.
When Hewitt says "show me," she sniffs out the mold by pointing her nose at the spot and sits patiently at the spot, nodding her head up and down, until the spot is marked.
Kody has been trained for up to 1,000 hours on detecting 18 different types of mold.
Blogathon '07
Jill, at Jilbean, says,
"Of course I am participating! I will stay up for 24 hours and post a cute animal picture every 1/2 hour for the day! I choose to post animal pictures - as animal photography is a huge hobby of mine, and it is wonderful on the eyes in the wee hours of the night/morning!
I will be blogging for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Greater Connecticut Chapter.
I am blogging in honor of my aunt Ina - who currently lives with Multiple Sclerosis in Connecticut and in memory of my Aunts Paula and Eudice - who both had MS and have passed away.
To sponsor me - please click the following link and you can choose to sponsor an hourly sum or a lump sum. Last year I raised over $900 - I am hoping to beat that number this year!"
Sponsor Jill by Clicking Here!
Hummingbird Feast
I thank my Bee Balm for attracting hummingbirds to my garden. They are such a delight to watch and such a surprise for many visitors who have never seen a hummingbird before, or even believe that we have them in the Chicago area. Then, when I tell them that these beautiful little creatures fly to Mexico for the winter, they're really amazed. Supposedly, hummingbirds will return to the same flower beds year after year. Well, ours seem to be pretty comfortable with having us around. The birds will fly within a foot of us and especially enjoy flying through the water spray when we're sprinkling the flowers.
The Bee Balm, or Monarda, are an easy to grow perennial. They grow about three feet tall, and from a distance, look like clouds of red in the garden. Close up, you notice their nice, spicy scent. Even closer, and you see massive, fat, bumblebees harvesting nectar, and of course, the hummingbirds.
In this article, Nancy Newfield describes the bee balm and twelve other plants that attract hummingbirds.
Oscar the Cat Predicts Patients' Deaths
The 2-year-old feline was adopted as a kitten and grew up in a third-floor dementia unit at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. The facility treats people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and other illnesses.
After about six months, the staff noticed Oscar would make his own rounds, just like the doctors and nurses. He'd sniff and observe patients, then sit beside people who would wind up dying in a few hours.
Poor, traveling baby siamang
Sungai, an 11-month-old siamang at the San Francisco Zoo who was rejected by her parents in Albuquerque and then by her fellow apes in Houston, will be moving to Kentucky soon in her ongoing search for a family.
Three human foster parents at the zoo had been hand-rearing Sungai while gradually introducing her to adults Mindy and Storm, with the hope they'd bond with her. It didn't happen. So, in the next few weeks, she'll leave for the Louisville Zoo, where she'll join her 8-week-old brother Zain -- freshly snubbed by their parents in New Mexico -- and Zoli, a 4-month-old male whose mother and father died unexpectedly.
"The hope is that all three, who are showing signs of not accepting adult company, can be reared together and learn natural behaviors," Garcia said. "All three are considered important to the siamang species survival plan breeding program."
[See earlier photos of Sungai at the San Francisco Zoo.]
Oscar the cat predicts patients' deaths
By RAY HENRY, Associated Press Writer
Wed Jul 25, 7:25 PM ET
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Oscar the cat seems to have an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die, by curling up next to them during their final hours. His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to call family members once he has chosen someone. It usually means they have less than four hours to live.
"He doesn't make too many mistakes. He seems to understand when patients are about to die," said Dr. David Dosa in an interview. He describes the phenomenon in a poignant essay in Thursday's issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
"Many family members take some solace from it. They appreciate the companionship that the cat provides for their dying loved one," said Dosa, a geriatrician and assistant professor of medicine at Brown University.
The 2-year-old feline was adopted as a kitten and grew up in a third-floor dementia unit at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. The facility treats people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and other illnesses.
After about six months, the staff noticed Oscar would make his own rounds, just like the doctors and nurses. He'd sniff and observe patients, then sit beside people who would wind up dying in a few hours.
Dosa said Oscar seems to take his work seriously and is generally aloof. "This is not a cat that's friendly to people," he said.
Oscar is better at predicting death than the people who work there, said Dr. Joan Teno of Brown University, who treats patients at the nursing home and is an expert on care for the terminally ill
She was convinced of Oscar's talent when he made his 13th correct call. While observing one patient, Teno said she noticed the woman wasn't eating, was breathing with difficulty and that her legs had a bluish tinge, signs that often mean death is near.
Oscar wouldn't stay inside the room though, so Teno thought his streak was broken. Instead, it turned out the doctor's prediction was roughly 10 hours too early. Sure enough, during the patient's final two hours, nurses told Teno that Oscar joined the woman at her bedside.
Doctors say most of the people who get a visit from the sweet-faced, gray-and-white cat are so ill they probably don't know he's there, so patients aren't aware he's a harbinger of death. Most families are grateful for the advanced warning, although one wanted Oscar out of the room while a family member died. When Oscar is put outside, he paces and meows his displeasure.
No one's certain if Oscar's behavior is scientifically significant or points to a cause. Teno wonders if the cat notices telltale scents or reads something into the behavior of the nurses who raised him.
Nicholas Dodman, who directs an animal behavioral clinic at the Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and has read Dosa's article, said the only way to know is to carefully document how Oscar divides his time between the living and dying.
If Oscar really is a furry grim reaper, it's also possible his behavior could be driven by self-centered pleasures like a heated blanket placed on a dying person, Dodman said.
Nursing home staffers aren't concerned with explaining Oscar, so long as he gives families a better chance at saying goodbye to the dying.
Oscar recently received a wall plaque publicly commending his "compassionate hospice care."
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Leaning Straight Up, The Random Yak, guerrilla radio, Big Dog's Weblog, and Public Eye, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
cat predicts death, cat, animal communication
A honking pile of poop
"No one's talking about shooting the geese -- we don't need more gunshots in Oakland," said Jennie Gerard, chief of staff to Oakland City Councilwoman Pat Kernighan. "But people cannot lie down on the lawn because there's so much poop. It's an aesthetic issue. It's gross."
They're so well adapted to city living that their population throughout the U.S. is expected to double by 2010, from 220,000 to nearly half a million, according to Oakland's Canada Goose Management Study.
Horny Hedgehogs Spark Police Callout
"The hedgehogs were loud and uninhibited in their actions last night. Neither the owners of the house nor the police officers called to the scene were able to put a stop to their passionate fornication," Bremen police said in a statement.
Why I envy my dog’s life
We’ve all heard the expression a dog’s life. And some days, I wouldn’t mind living that way.
Now that I have two dogs in the mix, my first dog is starting to look less to the humans for interaction, instead focusing all his time and energy on his new roommate. And what a time they are having together. Here is why I sometimes envy a dog’s life --they have the best daily schedule.
Morning –
Wake up: go to the bathroom…enjoy a treat. Go for a walk around the neighborhood. Play together, take a nap, play some more, go in their personal little “homes.”
Day – time: Sleep.
Early evening: Wake up, go to the bathroom, enjoy some treats. Play, then nap, then eat, then nap, then play….maybe try to hump something along the way.
Evening: continue to play, go for a walk, then play, then nap, then play, then nap, then play, then nap and finally go to sleep for the night.
Voracious Jumbo Squid Invade California
An aggressive predator, the Humboldt squid—or Dosidicus gigas—can change its eating habits to consume the food supply favored by tuna and sharks.
Before the 1970s, the giant squid were typically found in the Eastern Pacific, and in coastal waters spanning from Peru to Costa Rica. But as the populations of its natural predators—like large tuna, sharks and swordfish—declined because of fishing, the squids moved northward and started eating different species that thrive in colder waters.
Rats and cats work to sniff out Colombia mines
For the past year, a special Colombian police unit has been locking rats in cages with cats as part of a project to train the rodents to sniff out the more than 100,000 land mines planted mostly by leftist rebels across this conflict-wracked Andean country.
Bringing the rats face to face with an enemy allows them to stay more focused once they are released.
Octopus unearths 900-year-old hidden treasure
The discovery is being hailed as one of the great undersea treasure discoveries of modern times.
Officials at the National Maritime Museum in Seoul say the pottery dates back to 12th century, when the Koryo Dynasty ruled the Korean peninsula.
The adventure began when Korean fisherman Kim Yong-Chul cast out a long line, felt a familiar tug and hauled up his first octopus of the day. He was puzzled by several blue objects attached to its suckers and thought at first they were shells.
But when he examined them, he realized they were pieces of pottery. Not realizing he was on the point of making an incredible discovery, he cast out his line again and again, bringing in more octopus with shards of pottery attached.
Although other ships have been found and pottery recovered, this is the first time a family of octopus have found a wreck for the museum.
Counting Swans
A colony of the birds has lived at Abbotsbury sanctuary since medieval times and keeping track of their numbers has become an annual tradition.
Between 600 and 1,000 flying swans breed, nest and hatch there every year.
They provide feathers for the helmets of the Gentlemen at Arms, the Queen's bodyguard. in addition, Lloyds of London use quills from Abbotsbury swan feathers to register insurance losses in their 'Doom' book.
Prehistoric mastodon found in northern Greece
The mastodon's tusks measure 5m (16.5ft) and 4m. They are the longest tusks ever found on a prehistoric elephant-like animal.
The animals were similar to woolly mammoths, but had tusks that pointed forwards, rather than spiralling upwards. Their teeth were also different.
'Goose Whisperer' Bonds With Park Birds
At age 23, Hof has developed an unusual approach to managing urban geese populations that is gaining adherents in the animal-friendly Netherlands - the first country in the world with an animal rights party in parliament.
"It's all about respect for the geese," he says.
The main problem at the Hof van Delft and most parks is that the birds have been allowed to overbreed and are clashing with the humans whose territory they share. But rather than destroying them, Hof finds new homes for the geese, dividing them along family lines to reduce the trauma of the move.
Scientists map elephant evolution
The two elephant species diverged from a common ancestor some 7.6 million years ago, experts working in the US, Germany and Switzerland say.
They came to their conclusion after comparing a genetic analysis of the two species with material derived from the extinct woolly mammoth and mastodon.
Pet Prepping 101
- New puppies or kittens can get into all sorts of trouble, so take steps to keep their environment safe. Keep all cleaning products and other household chemicals locked up in a cabinet and keep an eye out for any small items your new pet might choke on. Also, be sure to bundle up and hide any wires that are hanging out from TV's, radios and other appliances.
- Consider investing in a few pet or baby gates that you can use to keep your new arrival from wandering. Doing so can make it easier to housebreak and train new puppies, help protect furniture and keep young children and new pets separated.
-Accidents will happen so you may want to invest in plenty of cleaning supplies (but don't forget the first tip of keeping chemicals away from the pets), including stain removers and some cheap throw-away towels or rags. Even an old t-shirt cut up will work as a rag.
-Your new pet may appreciate a place of his own to sleep. Purchase a comfy bed or some soft, warm blankets. Even an old comforter will do the trick.
-And as always, keep plenty of food and water nearby.
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Pirate's Cove, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Bullwinkle Blog, Big Dog's Weblog, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Of mice and mourners (and taxidermy)
A trio of dead chipmunks in grass skirts are frozen in a hula dance, paws raised above their heads. A sign above their beach hut reads "topless girlie show."
The scene is partly lit by a lamp with a base made out of four animal legs (hooves still attached). All of this death is Sam Sanfillippo's life. The funeral home's former undertaker, the 87-year-old is a life-long hunter and fisherman. The basement is filled with an odd collection of hunting prizes and roadkill that arrives by mail.
Mr. Sanfillippo has spent years organizing the collection into artistic tableaus. His taxidermist cousin, Vito, stuffed most of the subjects.
The purpose of the collection, he says, is twofold. In part, it teaches kids "how to fish and hunt and get their minds off dope." It also entertains grieving relatives.
"It cheers them up," Mr. Sanfillippo says.
Meat Recall Expanded - Includes Human & Dog Foods
WASHINGTON - A Georgia meat processor expanded its recall of canned meat products that may be connected to a botulism outbreak.
Castleberry's Food Co. of Augusta recalled more than 80 types of canned chili, beef stew, corned beef hash and other meat products over the weekend, in addition to the 10 brands it recalled Thursday.
Cans of chili sauce made at the Castleberry's plant were found in the homes of an Indiana couple and two children in Texas who had been hospitalized with botulism — a muscle-paralyzing illness caused by a toxin made by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, commonly found in soil. All four are expected to survive.
The Agriculture Department's Food Safety and Inspection Service said Thursday that an equipment malfunction may have been responsible for the contamination.
On Saturday, FSIS said the malfunctions at the Augusta processing plant may have existed longer than initially estimated.
Castleberry's, which is owned by Bumble Bee Seafoods LLC and based in San Diego, voluntarily expanded the recall.
Castleberry's senior vice president Steve Mavity said: "We believe we have isolated the issue to a situation of under-processing on one line of our production facility. As an extra precaution to the recall we announced on Wednesday, we have shut down this line altogether and are recalling all products produced on it."
Brand names of the recalled products include Austex, Best Yet, Big Y, Black Rock, Bloom, Bryan, Bunker Hill, Castleberry's, Cattle Drive, Firefighters, Food Club, Food Lion, Goldstar, Great Value, Kroger, Lowes, Meijer, Morton House, Paramount, Piggly Wiggly, Prudence, Southern Home, Steak N Shake, Thrifty Maid, Triple Bar and Value Time. The recall also includes four varieties of Natural Balance dog food.
Consumers with questions about the recall may contact Castleberry's at 1-888-203-8446.
Cop Shoots 200 Pound Pet Pig
Janice Jones said that Gator, a black, potbellied pig, was a friendly animal that her family had owned for five years and that her two children, ages five and seven, adored.
David Davis, a chief deputy with the Bibb County Sheriff's Office, said a new neighbor of the Joneses called the sheriff's office Wednesday morning, telling them that a wild hog was in her flower bed in her yard.
The hog had no collar and looked like a wild hog, he said. A sheriff's deputy responded to the call and spent about two hours in the neighborhood, trying to decide what to do before finally shooting the pig, Davis said.
Chihuahua saves baby from rattlesnake
1-year-old Booker West was splashing his hands in a birdbath in his grandparents' northern Colorado back yard when the snake raced to the toddler and struck.
The five-pound dog, Zoey, jumped in the way and took the bites.
"She got in between Booker and the snake, and that's when I heard her yipe," said Monty Long, the boy's grandfather.
It did not appear that the dog would survive hours after the bite. However, the Zoey is now recovering.
White Animal Safari
Migaloo, the baby whale, was found off Heron Island, on Queensland, Australia's central coast. He is believed to be the only completely white humpback whale in the world.
In Bangkok, at the Dusit Zoo, a rare baby albino common barking deer was born April 7, 2007.
An albino mountain goat was photographed in Valle D'Aosta in Italy on June 24, 2007 . This is the only white capra ibex ever documented, the only one ever seen. Forest rangers have named him "Snowflake."
In Wiarton, Ontario, Wiarton Willie, Canada’s famous white groundhog, emerges from his lair every February 2nd to check his shadow and tell us whether we’ll have a long winter.
Two African pygmy hedgehogs in Cumbria, England, produced an baby albino hedgehog. Only one in ten thousand hedgehogs are born totally white with red eyes.
Dinah, the albino alligator, can be found at the Knoxville Zoo in Tennessee. Dinah is one of only 30 known true albino American alligators out of five million worldwide.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, in Canon City, Colorado is the home to a whole family of rare white buffalo. This is a healthy recessive gene unlike the albino recessive gene which results in pink eyes, horns and hooves. These white buffalo have dark eyes, gray horns and hoofs. The sire for the calves, Chief Silver Bullet, a 3-year-old white buffalo, is a proud father who participated in welcoming the newborns by helping to clean them off and protect them.
In 2006, an albino hummingbird was photographed in North, South Carolina. Only about a dozen albino or leucistic Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have been banded, and none of them are known to have returned in a following year after migrating to Mexico or Central America for the winter.
County Durham in the North East of England has Tic, Tac and Toe, white ravens which were found starving in a churchyard.
An albino African penguin chick, hatched at Bristol Zoo in England is proclaimed to be "one-in-a-million." There have been only two recorded sightings of albino penguins in the wild.
Four white Bengal tigers were born in April, 2007 at the Guadalajara Zoo in Mexico. It is the sixth litter of white tigers born at the facility -- all sired by the same father, named Nino. A white tiger born at this zoo is the one that attacked Las Vegas entertainer Roy Horn of the Siegfried and Roy act in 2003. Cute Baby white tiger.
There are many reports of white lions being born in zoos. There aren't many things more adorable than white lion cubs. But white lions do not survive well in the wild and none have been seen since 1975 when they were documented in a pride found on the Timbavati Game Reserve in South Africa.
A 53-pound albino catfish caught by a fisherman out of the Missouri River in July 2007, is now on display at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga.
In Valbrembo, Italy, on March 28, 2007, a baby albino wallaby named Pino, was born at “Le Cornelle” zoo.
Exeter, Ontario Canada has white squirrels which they are very proud of. So proud that Peter Snell has produced a song and video about them: "White Wonder."
In Brevard, North Carolina, about 25% of the town's squirrels are white squirrels. The town "goes nuts" each year with a White Squirrel Festival.
Olney, Illinois, loves their white squirrels so much that local laws give the squirrels right-of-way on every street; residents are fined if they try leave town with one. Local police patches bear an outline of a bushy-tailed albino squirrel.
Marionville, Missouri, proudly proclaims itself the Home of the White Squirrel, with emphasis on “the.” “Olney had a celebration this past year: 100 years of the white squirrel.” a spokesman said. “Well, we’re long before that. We claim that they got them from here.”
In 2006, a white moose was spotted in forests of Østfold, Norway. Norwegian hunters were gunning for it, so it might not be there any longer.
German hunters in the Erzgebirge Mountains in eastern Germany were going after a snow-white deer with pink eyes, so that one might be gone as well.
Even more sadly, Snowflake, the world's only albino gorilla died of skin cancer at the Barcelona Zoo on November 24, 2003. Snowflake had a good life though, in his 37 years at the Barcelona zoo, he fathered 22 offspring with three different females. None is albino.
Anti-Bark Dog Collar
Anti-Bark Dog Collar
The Gentle Spray TM Anti-Bark Collar is the most humane and effective nuisance barking solution. It delivers a harmless burst of citronella to interrupt your dog's barking. Twice as effective as electric shock!
Chihuahua saves boy from rattlesnake
MASONVILLE, Colo. - Zoey is a Chihuahua, but when a rattlesnake lunged at her owners’ 1-year-old grandson, she was a real bulldog.
Booker West was splashing his hands in a birdbath in his grandparents’ northern Colorado back yard when the snake slithered up to the toddler, rattled and struck. Five-pound Zoey jumped in the way and took the bites.
“She got in between Booker and the snake, and that’s when I heard her yipe,” Monty Long, the boy’s grandfather, said Thursday.
The dog required treatment and for a time it appeared she might not survive. Now she prances about.
“These little bitty dogs, they just don’t really get credit,” Booker’s grandma Denise Long told the Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald.
AppeTeasers® Cat Toys
The perfect bite-sized toy, Appeteasers® will make every hour Happy Hour! Just the right size for airborne fun, plus they’re satisfyingly stuffed with our mouth-watering Zoom Around the Room® organic catnip. Get ‘em while they’re hot! Three designs: Mouse-A-Roni & Cheese, Cocktail Wiener Dog, Teenie Sardini. Toys are 3 x 2 3/4” tall.
Talking Babble Ball
Talking Babble Ball
The Talking Babble Ball is an interactive toy that talks to your pet when touched. The improved technology is so sensitive it can be triggered by a pet breathing on it, or just by the vibration of a pet walking past it. When play is finished, the Babble Ball turns off automatically and waits to be touched again. Pets think it's actually alive!
A New Addition
I've been writing about the pet industry recently and the number of homes with multiple pets. I am now part of that statistic. Introducing Kelso!
We weren't planning on getting another dog, in fact we said we have our hands full with a dog and a fish tank. But when my wife's co-worker needed to give a way a 7 month old Lhasa Apso puppy, my wife couldn't refuse.
When my wife presented the idea to me, she said the dog needed a home, or he might be going to the pound (playing to my emotional side). Then told me the dog was free (playing to my practical side). Of course, getting a dog for free is sort of like getting a free cell phone- you'll pay for it somehow. But, there is no price tag on the joy a dog brings.
Before we took Kelso home, we set up some play dates at nuetral locations so we can see how he played with our current dog, Rocco. They were great together.
Now they are both here and all the playing is keeping them both tired....which in some ways has been great for Rocco since he hasn't been looking to his human roommates as much for play games. It's like he's forgotten about us....until it is time for food.
So now I am a multi-dog house, with fish tank and lots more to blog about.
White Chipmunk
"He chases away blue jays and morning doves. It's a wonder he's survived because he really sticks out against the background," Dawson said.
The white rodent -- which Dawson has named WACy for white albino chipmunk -- isn't a true albino. He has black eyes.
WACy survives on bird feed that falls from a feeder in Dawson's front yard.
See a video of the cute little guy here.
Pet Stats - Multiple Pet Homes
The old adage of 'fighting like cats and dogs' is starting to become a misnomer. Nearly half of people who consider themselves dog owners and nearly half of self-proclaimed cat owners actually have both species.
In some ways, it can be helpful to the pets to have a companion. Pets can get lonely - and bored. A bored pet can lead to disaster. A dog may occupy his time destroying the sofa while a bored cat might climb the curtains. Having a playmate may help stave off the boredom. Then again, if you have a dog that is already destroying the furniture and decide to add another dog to the household, you could have double trouble. Dogs are pack animals and tend to learn from each other...so that destructive behavior may be passed on from one dog to the other if you're not careful.
Teens Allegedly Taunt Hippos and Survive
John Davis, a national expert on hippos, said it was a crazy stunt, considering the animals' weight and that they can run faster than the average human, at least for short distances.
Next time - why not just buy flowers?
German zoo faces charges for selling animals as food
A spokeswoman for the mayor's office said deer were among the animals killed and sold by workers at Erfurt Zoo without permission over a number of years.
"Happy Community"

Man Infected With Flesh-Eating Bacteria
A man is fighting for his life after he was infected with a deadly flesh-eating bacteria.
Steve Gilpatrick said he and his family go to Galveston every year for a week of vacation.
"We have a big family and everybody comes here and just has fun," daughter Erin Gilpatrick said.
Steve Gilpatrick was fishing at Crystal Beach on July 8.
"He was in the water for no more than half an hour," wife Linda Gilpatrick said.
Within a few days, Steve Gilpatrick had an infection in his leg, Houston TV station KPRC reported.
"He's diabetic and just thought he had an infection, a severe infection of some sort," Linda Gilpatrick said. "He had no way of knowing the gravity of it."
Doctors at John Sealy Hospital said they believe Steve Gilpatrick has Vibrio vulnificus, a bacteria that kills tissues and cells as it spreads.
The bacteria likely entered through an open wound, doctors said.
After three surgeries, all the skin has been removed from his right leg. The leg may have to be amputated and the infection could kill him.
"He could die at any minute," Erin Gilpatrick said. "There's nothing we can do about it, but pray and try to help him get better."
If Lou Groth had known, or even suspected, he might have been able to clean his hands properly after handling shrimp late one day in early July. Or, after his ring finger started swelling the next day, go to a hospital’s emergency room sooner.
What he wants to do is get the word out to other people so they know about the “bad little bug,” as he calls it, that is so prevalent along the coast and a constant threat during the summer months to outdoorsmen who love to work and play in South Louisiana.
Read his story here.
Keeping up with the Joneses dog
And that chunk of change is just a drop in the pet spending bucket, according to information from the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association. In 2007, U.S. pet expenditures are expected to top $40.8 billion (that's up from $38.5 billion in 2006, and $17 billion in 1994).
The big bucks trend is fueled by baby boomers who increasingly "humanize" their pets, says Bob Vetere, president of the Greenwich, Conn.-based pet products association. They'll buy something that they find meaningful, such as a pricey designer collar, rather than gift their pet with something like a used tennis ball.
This year's expenditures will include $16.1 billion for food, $9.8 billion for veterinary care, $9.9 billion for supplies and over-the-counter medicine, $2.1 billion for live animal purchases and $2.9 billion for pet services, including grooming and boarding.
More folks than ever own pets, too. Nowadays, 71.1 million U.S. households, up from 51 million households in 1988, own at least one pet.
"I think one of the bigger `surprises' has to be the way baby boomers are continuing to own pets," Vetere says. "Historically, pet ownership drops off dramatically as people reach age 60 and beyond. ... Boomers are actually looking at pets as replacements for the kids who have moved out."
And the top dogs among those pets aren't dogs, they're freshwater fish, which number 142 million. There are also 88.3 million cats, 74.8 million dogs, 24.3 million small animals, 16 million birds, 13.8 million horses, 13.4 million reptiles and 9.6 million saltwater fish.
Other survey tidbits include:
The average age and sex of the person buying pet products is a 46-year-old female.
Thirty percent of dog owners buy dental products for their dog, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, tartar/breath control/whitening products or floss.
Twenty-six percent of dogs (up from 18 percent in 2004) have their own bed.
Fifteen-percent of dog owners and 11-percent of cat owners purchased an urn for their pet's ashes in 2006.
More than 50-percent of pet owners purchased a gift for their pets in the past 12 months. Christmas topped the list of popular gift-giving holidays, but Halloween, Valentine's Day and Hanukkah are popular, too. Dog owners buy up to seven gifts per year, while owners of other pets purchase about four gifts per year. Regardless of species, more than $10 is spent on each gift.
Salt-water fish owners spend $71 a year on decorations.
Oh, by the way, speaking of spending money on your pets: i-pets.com ...
Mysterious Fly Invasion in Pennsylvania
"There's always flies, always, not one -- a lot," said homeowner Tracey Little.
"It's horrible, absolutely horrible. You can't go out on your deck. You go out to sit in the sun and you're covered with flies," Little said. "If I'm cooking in here and have the door open, that door will literally be covered in flies because of the smell of the food."
Some neighbors said they think that a nearby chicken farm could be causing the fly infestation.
Diapers on Donkeys?
But recent press coverage and outrage from the town's residents has led the authorities to put their plans on hold.
"If we have to put nappies on our donkeys, soon they will say our cows need them too," one donkey owner said.
Limuru's mayor, James Kuria, says: "We must come up with a way to make sure that the droppings are not a nuisance."
Pet Ownership Statistics
According to the 2007-2008 National Pet Owners Survey, 63% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 71.1 millions homes.
In 1988, the first year the survey was conducted, 56% of U.S. households owned a pet as compared to 63% in 2006.
Breakdown of pet ownership in the U.S. according to the 2007-2008 National Pet Owners Survey:
Number of U.S. Households that Own a Pet (millions)
Bird 6.4
Cat 38.4
Dog 44.8
Equine 4.3
Freshwater Fish 14.2
Saltwater Fish .8
Reptile 4.8
Small Animal 6.0
Total Number of Pets Owned in the U.S. (millions)
Bird 16
Cat 88.3
Dog 74.8
Equine 13.8
Freshwater Fish 142.0
Saltwater Fish 9.6
Reptile 13.4
Small Animal 24.3
* Ownership statistics are gathered from APPMA’s 2007/2008 National Pet Owners
What is interesting is that there are more homes that own dogs, but overall more cats are owned. So, for a majority of people who own a cat, they have more then one. Another interesting study would be the average and median of how many pets are owned per household that has at least one.
Pet industry, pets
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Cao's Blog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
U.S.-born panda finds double happiness in China
Eight-year-old Huamei, whose name means "China America," gave birth to the first cub at Sichuan province's Wolong Nature Reserve early on Monday, Xinhua news agency said.
The second, a male weighing 129.8 grams, came three hours later.
The first cub's gender and weight have yet to be established, but both the cubs and mother were doing well, Xinhua quoted Li Desheng, vice-director of the reserve's research centre, as saying.
The cubs are the third pair delivered by Huamei, who gave birth to twins in 2004 and 2005 since returning to the motherland in February 2004, the agency said.
Huamei is the first giant panda to have been born and survived in the western hemisphere since 1990, Xinhua said.
Pair of cats socks it to neighbors
Found: 17 pairs of socks, not all match.
Roger and Catherine Dellor's cats - Cleo and Tony - have been bringing them presents: someone else's socks.
"At first, it was just one or two," said Roger Dellor. "Now, they are arriving every day."
The Los Altos couple thought they could return the socks to the proper laundry basket after making a plea in fliers they put in neighbors' mailboxes.
"Neighbor, are you losing socks?" the flier asked.
No one has stepped forward so far, but the Dellors think they know where at least some of the socks are coming from.
One of their neighbors, for reasons unknown, has a bag of socks in his driveway of the cul-de-sac neighborhood where the Dellors say it is safe to let their cats out.
"I saw a bag of underwear, too," Roger Dellor said. "I just hope the cats don't decide to bring home the underwear."
Rare red pandas born at Edmonton Zoo
The cubs, which were born at 3:26 a.m. Tuesday, are part of a very small population of red pandas in the world. It's estimated that there are fewer than 2,500 red pandas alive in the wild because the animals' natural habitat in China, India and Nepal is being destroyed.
Forty red pandas are being raised in zoos. The Valley Zoo has joined an international breeding program in an effort to keep the species alive.
Currently, the cubs are being kept away from the parents because the mother, Lala, was over grooming them and causing lacerations.
Meet the original Firefox
The real fire fox in nature is actually called Red Panda, Ailurus fulgens, an endangered species. It is is a mostly herbivorous mammal, slightly larger than a domestic cat (55 cm long). This red panda has semi-retractile claws and, like the Giant Panda, has a "false thumb" which is really an extension of the wrist bone. Thick fur on the soles of the feet offers protection from cold and hides scent glands. The Red Panda is native to the Himalayas in India and Nepal and southern China.
Red Panda Escapes From Zoo Exhibit Again
Yin, a 1-year-old that resembles a raccoon with red, white and black fur, was discovered missing from her exhibit Saturday. On June 21, Yin made visitors wait two hours until she emerged from her habitat for her debut only to escape into a nearby tree.
"She's just testing every limit that might be in the exhibit," zoo director Greg Bockheim said.
After the zoo opened Saturday, zookeepers discovered Yin was missing. They located her near the bison exhibit, then she scampered to a tree near the back of the duck pond. Bockheim climbed about 30 feet up to retrieve her, but Yin scurried down to the zookeepers.
She also was found hiding in a tree near the duck pond after she escaped the first time.
"She's a character," said Alison Till, the zoo's director of development.
How and why she escaped from her habitat, which includes an air-conditioned bamboo hut and logs for climbing, is unclear.